Chapter 19- Twinkle

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"Miss Curry! Please try to understand. I really have enjoyed living here with you...its been a lovely two weeks but really I just want to be with my family again."

"I've told you over and over again Twinkle! You have no family to go to! No relatives! No parents! No family friends! We can't send you anywhere!"

"My brothers!" Twinkle growled in frustration. "They're alive! You have to believe me!"

"Child! Maybe I should take you to the doctor! You must be messed up in the head. Oh I should've taken you in sooner! Maybe being abandoned wouldn't have gotten to ya then!"

"BUT I WASN'T ABANDONED!!! My parents died in a fire! I got BLOWN to the cave!" Twinkle started sobbing. "You gotta believe me! Please! My brothers are out there! They think I'm dead! PLEASE!"

Conner sat at the small kitchen table, lips pursed, listing to there conversation.

"Twinkle! That's it! I'm calling a doctor!" Miss Curry started for the phone.

"NO! DON'T!!" Twinkle rushed for the phone but Miss Curry was already there, speaking to the operator.

Twinkle sobbed. She's never gonna believe me. She looked at Conner who looked back at her. "I'm sorry" Twinkle said. "But I have to do this. I have to find my brothers." And with that she made a mad dash for the door. Twinkle yanked it open sending a cold blast of air into the house.

Conner gasped and tried to grab Twinkle's pink shirt collar but missed. Twinkle was out the door in a flash, headed south towards Mt. Arrow, the last place she'd seen her brothers.

"Twinkle!" Conner cried. "Come back!!"

Twinkle kept running. She passed some trees and ran from the Curry's hut, slipping on ice as she went. It would be a long way to Mt. Arrow she knew, after all, Mt. Arrow was all the way at the south of Jama, where her house was while Mt. Skid was at the very north. Wow. I was blown all the way to Mt. Skid! I was almost blown out of Jama! But I'll find my matter if I'm all matter if it takes months! I'll find them!

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