Chapter 27- Thunder

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How long had he been there?



Thunder had no idea.

Every day, one of Black Out's members would bring food and water for him. Every day he would sit on a stone floor. Every day he would look out of a barred window and eat his food. Every day he waited for a group of kids, hardly older than himself, to rescue him. Every day he wondered how he got into this mess, and how it was even possible.

After all, he thought, it's awfully weird for a group of children to be trying to protect my whole town from another group of children, who are trying to get my whole town to believe another group of gods. Thunder shook his head at the silliness of it. Why were children trying to save everyone's homes from being burned to the ground? Why were children trying to protect Jama's religious beliefs? Why were children getting locked up and hurt for saving a town, a town that for some reason couldn't save itself? Why couldn't the police and government officials being in charge of stopping Black Out? Thunder laid down on mat he'd been given to sleep on. The even bigger question is, he thought, why is Black Out doing these things in the first place?

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