Chapter 23- Twinkle

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A waxing gibbous moon shown in the dark sky. Millions of stars shown brightly against the black. It was a beautiful clear night. A perfect night for escape.

Twinkle knew that Thor had her brothers. And, since he did, he knew that she wasn't with them. And if he knew that she wasn't with them, he might think that she was nowhere near Spark On or Thor's hideout. Well she was near Thor's base. That would give her some cover.

Quietly, Twinkle opened the door to her room and slipped out. She didn't know what the rest of Spark On's hideaway looked like, but it shouldn't be too hard to find the jail. All the jails in her books had been underground. Why shouldn't this one be?

Twinkle found herself in a long hallway. To her right seemed to be a staircase and to her left was another door, leading to another room she guessed. Ahead of her was an even longer hallway. Twinkle ran to her right. Maybe the staircase would be leading to the jail.

Very quickly Twinkle reached the bottom of the stairs, but only to find that the stairs lead up, not down. She was certain they wouldn't lead her to any dungeon. She spun on her heal and ran back to the door of her bedroom. Then, instead of turning right she went straight down the longer hallway.

The first think she noticed was that her feet were very loud on the wooden floor so she quickly slowed her pace. Now her feet were much quieter and less likely to wake someone. The second thing she noticed was that there was a bedroom to her left, and two to her right across the hall. Very quietly she tiptoed past the closed doors.

After a few more steps she came across another hallway to her left and the kitchen and living room to her right. Thinking that the hallway may lead to the basement Twinkle went left, leaving the kitchen and living room behind.

The hallway turned out to be a rather short one....with nothing at the end of it...?

What in the name of Amber is this? The hallway stopped randomly with nothing but a picture of a beautiful lady with white hair, white skin, and strangely, white eyes.

Twinkle had never seen such a silly thing. Quickly she left the hallway, angry they it had wasted some of her much needed time. Night wasn't going to last forever and she needed to get to Black Out's hideout before then.

Out of the hallway now Twinkle turned left. To her joy, ahead of her was a door, and when she peered out the window next to it, she could she that it lead outside of the hideout. Good. That's what she would need after she got out of the dungeon.

Twinkle walked away from the door and went down a hallway to her right. It was the only hallway left. It had to lead to the jail.

She was right! At the end of the hallway were stairs that lead down into the basement. Twinkle let out a silent cheer of joy and ran down the stone stairs, her sneakers squeaking as she ran.

She got to the bottom of the stairs in a flash and was greeted by a door. It was made of wood. She grabbed the knob and gave it a hard twist, but it didn't move. That's okay. Twinkle pulled a Bobby Pin from her hair and stuck it in the lock. Her mom had taught her how to do this when her bedroom door had locked by itself. I can unlock it like this! The door swung open.

It was dark in the room, for it wasn't lined with torches like all the hallways were. Quietly Twinkle used her power and formed light in her hand. She gasped when she looked at the walls. They were covered in weapons. There were thousands! Twinkle couldn't see what color the wall was, there was so many! Pretty much every weapon that you could hang on the wall, set on a shelf, or lay on the floor was there. Bows, guns, canons, arrows, bombs and many more that Twinkle couldn't name. However, in her amazement, Twinkle was dissatisfied. This wasn't the room she was looking for. Sadly, Twinkle walked out, locking the door behind her.

There were only about 4 more hours till 5:00am, and Twinkle didn't know how long it would take to get to the Black Out hideaway.

She was just about to give up when she noticed the hallway didn't stop when it reached the weapon room. Using her power as light she walked down the hallway. Yes!! There was another door! It swung open with ease and Twinkle never thought that she'd be so happy to see a dungeon!

Twinkle jumped up and cheered, not silently this time and ran through the aisles of cells looking for one in particular.

At last she came to the one she was looking for. It was one of the only cells occupied. Inside was a boy with a white and blue football jersey with the word Valyor over the number 22. He was facing the wall, but as he heard her footsteps he quickly spun around. "What do you want? Wait...who are you?"

"Hello Valyor" Twinkle said. Her tone was flat and meant to be mysterious. "I need to speek to you."

Valyor scowled at her. "Unless it involves me getting out of here, I'm not talking."

"But it does. If you help me, I'll let you go."

Valyor scoffed. "Like I believe you. You're only 2, by the looks of it."

"3!" Twinkle corrected. "And YOU'RE only 9! You have no room to talk!"

Valyor rolled his eyes. "Fine. State your business."

Twinkle smiled. "Here's what I need from you, if I let you go, you take directly to the Black Out base. Then you show me a secret way to get in. Once you show me that, you take me directly to the dungeon. Then you speak NOTHING of me to Thor. Understand?"

Valyor scowled again. "I have to do ALL of that for you?"

Twinkle glared back. "Isn't your freedom worth that?"

Valyor frowned but reluctantly nodded. "Fine it's a deal."

Twinkle smiled. "Good. Do you want me to get your friend out too?"

"He's dead" Valyor said in the most bland voice possible.


Valyor nodded. "No matter."


"Are you gonna let me out or not?"

Twinkle reluctantly pulled the bobby pin out of her hair and put it in the lock. With a sharp twist it clicked, and the cell door swang open.

Valyor charged out of the door, jumping like a jack-rabbit. "Come on" he yelled! "Night won't last forever!" Twinkle quickly followed him up the stairs and out the front door. She was one step closer to rescuing her brothers!!!!

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