Chapter 18 (I give up on roman numerals XD)- Twinkle

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Twinkle crouched behind a rock and waited. She'd finally gathered enough strength to find out who was leaving her food in the cave....and this time she'd leave with them.

Twinkle cupped her hands and light filled them, keeping her a little bit warmer. Then she heard footsteps come from down the long "hallway" that lead to the cave. Twinkle held her breath, eager to meet the person who'd been so kind to her.

But who would it be? Twinkle had hoped it would be a kind mother or father, who'd be willing to take her to her brothers, who'd she'd lost about a month ago now. Twinkle could feel tears building up behind her eyes. She missed Thor, Thunder, and Puck so much.

The footsteps grew nearer and it took all of Twinkle's courage to stay awake and crawl in front of the stone, in plain sight of whoever she would encounter.

Finally, the footsteps showed themselves. Twinkle couldn't help but gasp in surprise. It was a 5 year old boy, Puck's age! The person who'd been leaving her food was a little boy?!
The boy looked at her, a little frightened to see that she was awake so late at night. "Momma!" he cried out. "The girl's awake!"

Suddenly another pair of footsteps came running down the hallway and soon a rather plump women was standing next to the small boy. The women had brown hair that matched her sons and she wore a pink apron that said something, though Twinkle couldn't read what it said.

Now Twinkle understood. The mother and the boy must have been leaving her food everyday. Twinkle couldn't help but smile and clap her hands. It was everything she'd hoped for!

The women smiled at her. Her eyes were kind and blue, and her face was covered with wrinkles. "Hello dear. How great it is to meet you in person at last."

Twinkle smiled and got up hastily. They seemed nice enough. "Hi." Twinkle began. " names Twinkle...I got blown here and..."

Suddenly the boy laughed, showing a pair of dimples. He had many freckles and his messy brown hair seemed to bob with laughter. "Blown here?!"

Twinkle laughed along with him, realizing how funny that must have sounded. "But it's true" she said "I really did gets blown here."

The boy crossed his arms stubbornly. "I don't believe you!"

"Now now Conner. Let's be nice to the girl, Twinkle is it? Why she's only about 2 years old! I'm sure it was a very confusing experience for her....getting abandoned this way."

Abandoned!? Twinkle couldn't believe what she was hearing. These people think I was abandoned!? "Why miss! I wasn't abandoned! I was blown here! And I'm quite smart! My mom teaches me 1st grade stuff! And I'm 3 not 2!"

"Well dear," said the women, clearly not believing her, " We've been caring for you and we figured we'd do it till your parents came and got you. But sadly it seems they're aren't coming back. So we figured we'd take you in till some of your family claims yeah? How bout that?"

Twinkle nodded happily. "Oh yes miss! I'd love to stay with you! You make really good food and you've just been so kind to me. Giving me food and blankets! Thank you!" She may not believe me...but she can still help me find my brothers!

The women smiled. "Well, Twinkle you've met my son Conner and I'm Ms. Curry. We'll take you in!"

"Oh thank you! Thank you very much!" Twinkle skipped around the cave. I'm finally gonna find my brothers!! I'll finally get to go home! Twinkle smiled for the first time in a long time. Mommy and Daddy may be gone, but we'll get Thor back and he'll take care of us! It will work out! You just wait!

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