Chapter ll - Thor

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        Thor Westen looked sadly at the burning building he once called home. Then he looked back at his younger siblings, who were now tied to a pole near the abandoned house they always played hide-and-seek in. So they don't follow me. Thor thought. I don't like tying them up but they can't come with me. It's too dangerous. Then Thor stopped. It's me who's dangerous, not it.

        Thunder looked at Thor with a sad, sneer on his face. "You'll pay for this Thor."

        "I'm only trying to protect you." Thor murmured.  As he spoke Puck's eyes flicked open and Twinkle half awoke.

          "From what?" Thunder challenged.  "From you!?"

          Thor looked at his bear feet. They were tan and cold. He wished none of this had ever happened. "Yes" he slowly whispered. It was all his fault.

          Thunder's eyes widened with surprise. He didn't expect and answer "Yes" to that question or much less, an answer at all. "Thor I..."

         "Goodbye, Thunder. I'm sorry but I must stay away from you...all of you..." Thor's eyes scanned his siblings. "Especially Puck."

          "Thor.. NO" cried Thunder against the suddenly strong wind. "Don't go...STOP!  I'm sorry...please don't go..we need.."

             "Its not because of you" Thor replied solemnly. He looked around, scanning the landscape. "It's because of me!" Then he turned and started running towards the mountains, determined to make sure Thunder didn't follow him. The rope might not hold long. He could hardly hear Thunder call his name against the extremely hard wind.  It's amazing the wind didn't wipe out the fire Thor thought. Then he paused, far away from the old house now. "IT'S NOT THE FIRE" he called to nothing and no  one. "IT'S MY FIRE!"

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