Chapter 29- Twinkle

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Twinkle stood awestruck in front of an enormous castle on a cloud. The thing was beautiful, completely make of grey stone with 4 towers surrounding a large wooden door. Each tower had a black flag waving on top of it, which unmistakably had on it the letters "B O" in white print. The castle was surrounded by a 5 foot wide moat. The water in it was crystal clear, so clear in fact, you could see the bottom of the moat, and the colorful but dangerous spiked fish that swam in it. If Twinkle hadn't known she was about to go up against the most dangerous group of kids Jama had ever known, she would have believed that Sleeping Beauty or Cinderella would be waiting for her inside.

"Ready?" Valyor asked, braking Twinkle out of her trance.

Twinkle nodded. "How do you guys normally get past the moat?"

"There's a passageway that leads under it, come on I'll take you there."

Valyor started to lead Twinkle towards the moat when he quickly ducked behind some bushes, pulling Twinkle down with him. He put a finger to his lips. Twinkle watched through the twisted tree branches. Two kids, who looked about 13 and 10 years old were patrolling through the flower beds that covered the land in front of the moat. The first one scanned the area, while the second picked some flowers. A very strange thing to do, Twinkle thought, when you worked for Black Out.

The first one looked at the second, flicked his long black hair out of his face and motioned for the second to follow him. Soon they were headed back towards the moat, almost out of hearing range of Twinkle and Valyor. Twinkle leaned forward slightly, wanting to see where this tunnel Valyor had spoke of was. As she did, she rustled the leaves of the bush in front of her.

"Twinkle," Valyor said warningly, but it was too late.


Twinkle had placed too much weight on the branch in front of her, and now she was falling headfirst through the bush. "Gah!"

It was enough noise for the two older boys to spin around. "An intruder!" cried the first boy.

"A little girl!" called the second.

Together they charged toward her, the first boy swiftly drawing a bow, and the second one hesitantly following his lead.

Twinkle screamed and jumped to her feet. She started to run back toward the staircase. This is not how this plan was going to work!

Suddenly, she remembered Valyor. She spun around just in time to see him withdraw a shield and sword from...from where? Valyor didn't have a sword with him!

The Black Out boys were about 5 feet from the bush where she and Valyor had been hiding. The first boy put an arrow in his bow and shot straight at Valyor! No! This can't be how we're going to die!

Valyor, to Twinkle's surprise, deflected the arrow with his shield. It bounced off with surprising force, causing the second boy to duck! How did an arrow bounce that hard off a shield? Valyor's sword turned into a bow of his own! What on earth!?

If Twinkle hadn't been born with magical powers herself, she probably would have fainted. Still, the magical change greatly surprised her. It surprised her so much in fact, that she forgot to dodge an arrow! Luckily, the arrow was slightly off, and hit the tree next to her, missing her by about -Twinkle gulped- two inches!


Twinkle didn't miss a beat. Taking Valyor's orders she started to run as fast as her small legs could carry her. Her long blonde hair blew back in the wind, suddenly making her fear she'd get blown away by another wind storm! Twinkle pushed her fears aside and kept running. In the distance she could hear metal hitting metal. Her only guess was that the bows had turned into swords, and Valyor was fending off the two Black Out boys.

Suddenly, she felt a sharp pain in the back of her head. She tried to keep running, but she couldn't move, and every time she tried to move, the pain got worse. Finally, Twinkle had to look behind her to see was was going on. No! The wind had tangled up her hair around a low hanging tree branch. She tried to unknot it, but she could barely reach the branch. Out of the corner of her eye, Twinkle saw something yellow and green moving towards her. She turned her head (the best she could) and froze at what she saw.

The second boy was running toward her. Well, not really running. More like hastily jogging. His bow was up, but it wasn't pointing at her. The arrow was angling towards the ground. Twinkle tugged on her hair.

The boy was 10 feet away from her. She could see his dirty-blonde hair and green pants already. She yanked on her hair harder.

5 feet away. That's how far away the first boy was when he shot at Valyor. Twinkle reached on tiptoe, trying the reach the branch. It was too high. Why am I so short!?

She expected the blonde haired boy to shoot, but he didn't. He kept running toward her. Well, he doesn't seem as confident as the first boy, maybe he can't shoot as far.

3 feet away.

The boy stopped. He raised his bow. Twinkle could see his blue eyes.

They showed pain.

Twinkle stared at him. Don't shoot.

His voice was a faint whisper against the wind. "Sorry."

He released the arrow.

No! Twinkle could still hear the swords clanging in the distance. I need to help Valyor! I need to save Thunder! I need to save Puck! I need to get in that castle! I can't die!

The arrow was direct, it hit her. At first she felt nothing. Then there was pain growing from where the arrow hit her ( in her right shoulder.) It spread. Down her arm, into her stomach, down through her legs, up into her other arm. Twinkle felt dizzy. She started to spin. She couldn't focus. She would've fallen to the ground, but her hair was holding her up. The pain was enormous! She felt the arrow's pain rise up to her head.

Then and only then did she hear the swords stop clanking. Only then did she hear the wind stop howling. Only then did the pain go away. Blackness surrounded her. Finish my quest, Valyor. Please.

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