Chapter Xll- Puck

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Puck had shot him. Right in the shoulder, and he was proud. That boy could have killed Thunder, and Puck had stopped him before he could. However, Thunder still lay on the ground, blood lapping from his left shoulder, and Scara was already leaning over him.
Neptune, sword withdrawn, glared at the two trespassers. "Who are you?" Neptune said the fierce words in almost a growl. "Who do you work for?"
Puck stopped himself from rolling his eyes. This was a serious moment, but was 'Who are you and who do you work for?' the way The Crew always addressed newcomers that obviously weren't welcome there?
The second boy had the numbers 22 on his shirt and was crouching over his knocked-out companion, fake fear glazing his eyes. Even five year old Puck could see that the fear was just an act. This time Puck really did roll his eyes.
The 22 boy mumbled in a very fake way "I...I'm Jink and this..." he said pointing to the boy Puck had shot. "Is...." the boy paused as if trying to remember the boy's name. "This" he said quickly, realizing he'd ruined his act, "this is Gens."
"Alright" Scara started. "I can see your real name is Valour," she pointed to the name which was written in small letters under the 22 of Valour's shirt, which Puck noticed was an old football jersey. "What's 'Gens'' real name?" Scara continued.
Valour gulped, obviously knowing he'd been caught. "Jink" he quietly whispered.
Neptune smacked himself in the forehead. "You mean to tell me you used your friend's REAL name as YOUR code name!?" Neptune was almost laughing to himself.
Puck giggled but then stopped when he heard a small groan from Thunder, who now had Scara bandaging his wounds. Guilt washed through Puck like a snow storm, and small snowflakes swirled around him. He'd been so buzzy laughing at Valour's stupidity, he'd forgotten about his own brother! Quickly Puck skipped up and sat down next to Scara and Thunder.
Neptune slowly lead Valour and Jink (Jink being carried by Valour) to the jail room where Puck had learned from Neptune, that's where all the 'bad guys' were kept. However, it was also the room where he and Neptune had practiced with a bow.
"Will Thunder be okay?" asked Puck.
"Yes" Scara replied. "But he's lost a lot of blood, he'll probably be unconscious for a while."
However, as soon as Scara finished her sentence, Thunder sat straight up, making Scara and Puck leap back in surprise. "Scara! Puck!" Thunder gasped but Scara quickly pressed him back to the floor.
"Thunder" she ordered. "Stay down and rest. It's alright." But as soon as Scara let go of him, Thunder lept back up.
"NO! You don't understand," he began. Suddenly the air thickened with static. Thunder's hair stood up strait as it possibly could and small lightning bolts formed around his head. "I have something important to tell you...."
BAM!!! Lightning rattled windows that weren't there and made the lights flicker. Rain pounded against the underground hideout and storm clouds thickened above.
No! Not now Thunder! Puck willed Thunder to stop. Their secret couldn't get revealed now! Thunder stop the storm!
Scara looked at Thunder suspiciously. "What...?" she began but a twack of thunder and lighting from outside drowned out the rest of her question and sent the hideout into complete darkness.

All was still and silent.

Finally Puck broke the ice. "Thunder? Are you okay?"
Thunder nodded but then realized that no one could see him so said "yes......But see what I was trying to tell you is that....Herion......he's gone......the boys took him."
"What?" Puck hissed. "The boys are back with Neptune in the jail room. They didn't take him." But then Puck thought for a moment. When was the last time he's seen Herion?
"Well no." Thunder said. "The boys didn't take them but the rest of their group did."
"What do you mean?" Scara asked in the direction of Thunder's voice.
"I saw them," Thunder started. "Right before I passed out."

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