Chapter 26- Twinkle

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"Once upon a time," Valyor began, "There was a little boy with no family. He'd never had one, and he never would have one. He was fine with that, for he didn't know what it was like to have a family, so he didn't miss not having one. He lived at the Pillow Orphanage with all the other poor homeless kids, but was rarely seen during day hours, for he was always outside playing by himself."

Twinkle sat straight up from where she was leaning on a rock. Valyor had gone to the Pillow Orphanage too?

"His life was pretty much uneventful. It was the same thing every day. He'd go outside and play at 7:00am and then come back inside at 7:00pm. He would always bring a lunch and a snack with him, and the owners of the orphanage didn't care that he was out all the time, as long as he stayed in Jama Township and he didn't do anything stupid."

Twinkle pictured a map of Jama in her head. Jama Township was in the West-Center of the map. It was home of most of the shops and buinesses of Jama. West of that was Appondale, a rather small desert like area that had a museum and a pet store. In the south part of it was a giant mud pool,and south of that was Mt. Arrow itself, and beyond that was a few houses. One of those, had been hers. South of Jama Township and Appondale was Kimbara Outback. In Kimbara you felt like you were walking inside a canyon. The whole place was made of red rock and there was a waterfall running through it. Kimbara had a furniture shop and a doctor's office. Zios was South-West of Jama Township and consisted of The Temple Of Zios and a science laboratory.It was a green open space. North of Zios was the Sarepia Forest. It had a movie theater, a flag shop, and (obviously) lots of trees and forests. North-West of Sarepia was Mt. Shiver, the place where Twinkle had been blown away to. Mt. Shiver was exactly what it sounded like, a mountain covered with ice and snow. However, there was a hot-cocoa hut there. Twinkle had been sleeping in an ice cave. North-East of Sarepia was Coral Canyons, canyons that had an art shop, and a clothing store. It was Twinkle's favorite place to take pictures of nature. Lastly, there was Crystal Sands an amazing beach and waterpark mix with water slides, juice huts and sprinklers. All of the slides lead straight to the ocean which was home to lots of underwater animals. People lived just about everywhere in Jama, and Twinkle loved Jama dearly.

"One perfectly clear fall day," Valyor started again, "The boy was running around all of the people in Jama Township, who were all trying to sell something of theirs. Normally the boy ignored these sales but this day there was one that caught his eye. The guy selling it was probably in his 20's. He was holding a rock and shouting 'Come here and see it yourself! Feel it if you need to! This here folks is a real--not to mention very rare!--Fire Geode!'"

" For a boy with no friends and family, and for a boy who loved to be outdoors, he knew quite a bit about rocks. He'd read books about them in his spare time...and he knew all about Geodes! They were hollow rocks with crystals inside, and they were only found on one place--Mt. Arrow! Geodes were super rare....and the rarest Geode of all was none other than the Fire Geode! This man was claiming that he had a SUPER RARE FIRE GEODE!! The boy was so excited and rushed over the the man. 'May I hold it?!' the boy asked."

''Why of course' said the man, but he was more interested in the adults coming up to him, for they were the ones with money."

"The boy was thrilled to feel that the Geode was light. The boy softly tapped his knuckles onto it, happy to hear a slight thunking noise. It WAS hollow!"

The man came over to him and asked for the Geode back, getting ready to show it to one of his more important customers. The boy gave it back, but instead of leaving the man and the other adults, he listened to what the man had to say."

"'This here is a true Fire Geode, found in Mt. Arrow by yours truly......very rare.....expensive.....around $400.....'"

"The boy only heard bits of the conversation. He was imagining himself on Mt. Arrow, finding a Fire Geode but then he realised something. 'Sir, how do you know that's a real Fire Geode?'"

"'Why,' said the man, surprised at the little boy's question. 'You know because of the red crystals on top of the Geode.' The man flipped to grey, round rock around and the boy did see that the Geode had tiny red crystals in top of it. 'That my dear boy, is how you know it's a Fire Geode.' The man then went back to selling the Geode to the other adults."

"The boy, however, on his way back to the orphanage, couldn't stop picturing himself fining a Fire Geode. He stood on the orphanage doorstep, just thinking. He watched the sun set behind Mt. Arrow, far and distant, but not impossible to get there. The boy was so mesmerized, that he left the doorstep and headed toward Appondale, not even stopping to think about what he had left behind, or what he was going to meet ahead."

"I get," Twinkle said carefully. "You, the boy, went to Mt. Arrow to find a Geode...a Fire Geode...and instead, you found my found Thor."

Valyor nodded. "I wouldn't be in this mess if I had just obeyed the orphanage rules," he said ashamed. "I never did find the Fire Geode, but I found Thor, which in a way has a fire of his own."

Twinkle went pale.Did Valyor know about Thor's fire powers?

Valyor stood up and looked up the staircase. A few hours ago, he and Twinkle had reached the back of the Boy Scout Cave, which had a long--very long-- staircase leading up to a supposed castle on a cloud. There, was were Thor and the rest of Black Out held Twinkle's brothers were held captive. Valyor would help her free them, and then they all planned to escape with Spark On, and find a new (more secretive) hideout. What is Twinkle keeping from me? She went rather pale when I mentioned Thor having a fire of his own. Why...?

"Should we get going," asked Twinkle, who was now on her feet and ready to get to the castle. "I don't care if it takes us all day, I'm gonna free my brothers!"

Valyor looked up the unending staircase. "Alright," he said taking a deep breath, "Let's climb."

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