Chapter 21- Twinkle

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Twinkle had spent weeks jumping on the back of cars and buses, hiding from police and other people who might try and stick her back in an orphanage (because after all, 3 year old girls don't normally wonder around the town of Jama by themselves.) But finally, she found herself in front of Mt. Arrow. She could see her burnt down house in the distance. Twinkle choked back tears. She'd find her brothers, and they'll find a way to live on there own. No orphanage. No parents, but still no orphanage. Twinkle looked up at the mountain. She felt so small. How was she ever going to climb that all by herself? The cold wind wiped around her and Twinkle wrapped her hands around her pink long-sleeve shirt. She was going to have to do it. She had to.

Slowly, Twinkle began the long journey on the foot path of the mountain. I can do this, I can do this, I will find them, I can do this! The wind grew a little stronger. Twinkle stopped for a second, petrified. What if the wind blew her away again? No I have to keep going. She planted her feet harder and kept going on. She was going to find her brothers. I just need to get to the cave. It might takes days, but it will be worth it! I'll be with my family again! This will work!


Three days later.

Twinkle's stomach growled. There hadn't been much food on the mountain but she had managed to find a whole bush of berries to eat. She'd read in one of her books that some berries were poisonous, but she was so hungry that she was willing to take a chance. The odds had been in her favor. There'd been plenty of water on the mountain from the snow which she ate when she was thirsty. But she was so cold! Her shirt was damp from all of the snow she'd picked up, and her fingers were frost-bitten. Every time she tried to walk she collapsed of dizziness. She was so...cold. Tears streamed down her face and she tired to engage her power but her fingers wouldn't move. "Help!" she called out...or at least tried to call out. Her voice was no more than a whisper against the wind. Why did I ever do this!? It was so stupid of me.... Suddenly through her last bit of conciseness she could make out three hooded figures. They were coming toward her. Though she couldn't see who they were, Twinkle felt relived that there were other people around her. I'll just take about anyone's help right now... The first hooded figure picked her up and cradled her in his arms. He said something to her but Twinkle couldn't make out the words. Slowly, she slipped into a calm blackness. I'm safe. I can feel it.

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