"It's useless my dear."

"Craven! Enough of this." I hissed. He used his vampire speed around the room with a wine glass in hand filled with water. "What's that?"

"Holy water." He said as he splashed it over Connor's face.

In a screaming rage, I watched Connor thrash around in his chair. His face was red and slowly looked like he was melting as steam rose out of his. "Stop it. Make it stop!" I yelled not knowing what to do. I moved my arms around trying to get the leather to loosen up but it didn't. I could only cry and watch as he slowly died.

"Come Connor. For us to play you have to be awake."

"Crevan." Connor yelled through his groans.

"Now." Crevan says as he places the empty wine glass on the table. "This is how the game goes." Moving to the end of the table he pushed it forward, away from us. "It's a yes and no game. And it will determine who lives and who dies." He smiled. "Dawn." He turned his head towards me. "We start with you. Let's see how selfish my daughter really is."

"Crevan! If you touch her I'll kill you." Connor growled. He was breathing hard and fast as I watched him try to hide the pain. "I won't let you kill her like you killed Nina."

"Nina?!" He laugh. "I didn't kill Nina or your other humans. I wouldn't care less."


"Connor, it's true. I know who killed Nina and those other women." I yelled. "It was Mel." He looked at me in disbelief. "Its true."

"And River?"

"Oh, that was me." Craven raised his hand with a smile. "How is she?"

"Barely living. She still has a pluse though." If looks could kill. Crevan would have been dead by now. But a weight was lifted from my heart. She's alive. My baby. She's alive. I couldn't help but smile as I began to laugh. I'm so over joyed that whatever happens to me I wouldn't care. My little River was alive.

"I should have done a better job. Oh well I'll get her next time." Crevan shrugged his shoulders as he walked behind me. "Back to our game."

"You won't kill her!"

"Connor it's not up to you or me if she dies. It's up to her." He put his hand on my shoulder. "Now little one. I will ask you one question. Does Connor die? But before you answer I want you to know that if you say yes. I will kill him and you will live. And if you say no, I will kill you and he lives."

I knew my answer and I couldn't help but smile. Just to let Connor know that it was alright. But he didn't like what I was sayings He knew.

"Don't be an idiot. Say yes. Say yes!" he yelled when he said that last word.

Shaking my head no. "I can't. I can't do that. If I say that I couldn't be able to live without you and River. I won't be able to forgive myself if I did that. I can't see you two die in front of me."

"What about me. You'll let me watch." He yelled. Looking away, I wish this never happened. I wish that we could be happy without all this. "I can't live without you either."

"What do you want me to say?" I said crying. "I couldn't protect River and I can't protect you. This is all I can do. It won't make a difference if I live or die as long as I know you are alive and well. That is enough for me."

"What's your answer?" Crevan whispers in my ear.

"Don't say no. Don't say no." Connor yelled.

I smiled. "I'm sorry. No, he lives."

"No!" Connor screamed.

Crevan laughed. "How selfish of you. Sacrificing yourself. Letting poor Connor witness another death of someone he loves. Rather than to end it, continue his pain. Always thinking about others. Helping others. But really you're helping yourself."

"Your wrong." I whispered.

"Like you did with you sister. You left her to escape me but you were wrong." He tilted my head as I felt his breath touch my skin. "You think I'll just end your suffering. No, my dear. It's just the beginning."

Holding my breath I felt his fangs pierced through my skin. I hated the feeling. That feeling that you knew that everything in your body was being squeezed out of you. Every moment I looked at Connor, smiling. It was my way saying that this was what I wanted. That I wanted him to live for me and River. That I wanted him to protect River for me.

My eyelids became heavy as I could feel my heart slowly stop. All my senses had gone but not my hearing. "No Dawn!"

Connor. I love you.

Don't Say NO [Book 1]Where stories live. Discover now