Memoirs of a killer (part 2)

Start from the beginning

"I understand there's been a murder," the first officer said nonchalantly while writing in his notepad.

What does he mean "i understand”? It’s quite obvious there been a murder. The evidence is all over the floor.

"Yes sir," Mel said.

The second officer's eyes become wide as if he's just noticed the bodies on the floor. He nods a signal to the paramedics who then proceed to deposit the bodies of Mr and Mrs Johnson into two black body bags.

"So," the second officer starts. "Who did it?"

This was probably going to be hard for Mel. Even though i was angry at her for killing her parents i still felt sorry for her. Maybe it was my infatuation or maybe it was instinct but nonetheless i tried to pull Mel closer to me. By tried i obviously mean that i didn't succeed. When i tried to pull her closer to me she flinched away from my hold. Maybe she felt that she didn't deserve my compassion.

"He did," she mumbled pointed at me.

Excuse me? I looked behind me to see if there was an imaginary person behind me but there was no one.

"What?" i yelled but the officer decided to ignore me.

"Please tell me what happened ma'am," the first officer said writing something down.

"Well," Mel began dramatically. Seriously they should have given her an Oscar for that five star performance. She had the officers fooled by just one word and a tear. “I’d just come home after I’d just been shopping when i saw James hunched over my parents." Since when did she start calling me James? It’s always been jimmy. "He kept saying I’m sorry over and over again." she paused as she started "crying". She was getting the exact reaction she wanted from the police officer. Sympathy.

"Continue in your own time ma'am," the policeman said soothingly to her while he still wrote something down.

Mel nodded before continuing, "I told him that i would take the blame for him because i love him so much." bull shit! “But then i realised he should take responsibility for his actions. I’m always having to take care of everything he messes up, you know." she started crying again. 

"She’s lying!" i scream at the policemen looking at each of them dead in the eye.

"Jimmy, please, you have the evidence all over yourself. Just admit it and they won't go so hard on you," she said trying to comfort me.

She tricked me. How did i not see this coming? She was forever getting me in trouble. How did i not get suspicious when she went to get changed? The evidence was right in my face and i just refused to see it.

"Stop lying! You said you'd tell them the truth" i yell at her shaking her by the shoulders.

How dare she lie?

"Sir, you're under arrest. You have the right to remain silent but anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law." the first officer sighed before cuffing me.

I was speechless, flabbergasted, gobsmacked, dumbstruck. Dangit i don't know. All i know is that i was hella angry. How could she do this to me? I’ve trusted her all my life. I’ve done anything she's ever asked. All she had to do was snap her fingers and I’d come running with my tail between my legs all in the hope that she will see how great of a boyfriend i would have been to her. Boy was i stupid. Because of this girl my life was over. Goodbye education, goodbye any chance of employment.

I stayed quiet all the way out of her house. Not once did i turn to look at her. She didn’t deserve it.

It took until we were driving away for everything to sink in. Mel had framed me for murder. I had two unanswered questions. One was why did she do it? And the other was why did she frame me?

"It wasn't me!" i yelled out but my yells fell on deaf ears. I could say anything and they wouldn't believe me.

The louder i yelled the louder they turned the radio up.


                                                        **AT COURT**


All through the court hearing i was hoping that Mel would come to her senses and admit to the murder before it was too late but of cause that never happened.

"James Morris, you have been found guilty of voluntary manslaughter and you are hereby sentenced to the death sentence."

As the gavel was brought down i knew that that was it. Eighteen years old and my life were already over. I wish I’d never met Mel. If i hadn't met then none of this would have happened. I tried to look for her in the audience but i couldn't find her.

I gave up on everything as the bailiff came and took me away.

** End of flashback**

It’s been a week since I’ve been here and i haven’t seen Mel. Even though i wouldn't forgive her it would have been nice for her to have at least given me closure or better yet apologise. I knew it would be stupid of me to think that she would confess everything. Mel wasn't the selfless type. She would never save a life if it meant hers would be taken away.

I was shook out of my reverie as i heard my cell shake. I turned around and saw it was the guard. I breathed in deeply before hopping off the bed.

When i got close to me he put my hands behind me before cuffing me. I didn't resist because either way i was going to die. Resisting would just delay it. 

We walked side by side out of the cell and down the hall. I looked at the ground not daring to look at anyone. I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of knowing that i was literally shitting myself.

"Dead man walking!" the guard bellowed down the hall as i got closer and closer to my maker.


** Yes he dies. Moral of the story? Don’t fall for anyone because they will seriously fudge you up.  Hope you liked it vote/comment/ share please because this is my last story before i leave for like a month :/**

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