First Date

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He had invited you to his house. He was very relaxed as he set up board games and snacks, not letting you help. Some music was playing and he busted out a few dance moves or sang to the song that was playing every once in awhile, making you laugh. Next thing you know, he is pulling you up and dancing with him.

When you two got tired, you started to play the board games, which you kicked his butt at. He said he let you win, even though he tried cheating.

you checked the time and realized you had to get home. he stuck his bottom lip out and pouted. he walked you home and you two talked about life.

"Thank you for a great night. It was amazing," he smiled widely. He kissed your lips softly before walking away, leaving you confused and breathless.


He had invited you to his house where he had prepared a simple meal. You two sat and talked about random things.

He led you downstairs and challenged you to a game of wii. You spent over three hours laughing and nearly crying as grayson knocked over a lamp or throwing pillows when he lost. You blamed most of your losses on his jokes, threats, screaming and battle cries.

After you two finished you went on a walk with your hands intertwined. Grayson kept asking you random questions that had no point to them like. "What if dogs meowed and cats barked?"

He made you laugh a lot which was nice. He escorted you to your house, promising to see you again.

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