Chapter 32: Re-opening Old Wounds

Start from the beginning

"Care to explain?" Can this boy just leave me alone! Why is he doing this? Can't he see I don't want to talk about.

"Yeah she does care" a voice says from behind us. I turn to see Justin standing at the bottom of the stair case. "She obviously doesn't want to talk about it so leave her alone" he snaps. Why is he helping me?

I can't be down here with him. I can feel my heart racing. I need to get away I don't want to have another panic attack. I jump off my stall and head for upstairs.

"Thank you" I whisper as I walk past Justin. He grabs my arm.

"If he ever bothers you again just tell me, okay?" He says sternly yet his words make me smile and I nod in agreement. I forgot how sweet he could be.

With that he lets go of my arm and I walk up the stairs to my bedroom. I couple minutes later Victoria enters and sit on my bed beside me.

"I'm sorry about Blair" she sighs.

"It's not your fault" I reply.

"Yeah I know, but I didn't try to stop him. I guess I wanted to know the answers too" she says and I look at her confused. She wanted to force everything out of me too? "Crap, that makes me sound horrible. I just meant it would be a lot easier since we all have to live together and I'm generally a nosey person, but it was wrong of Blair. Don't feel like you have to tell me or any of us" she says sweetly.

Victoria is lovely. I already love her. The next twelve months will be a lot easier knowing I have a friend around.

"Thanks Victoria" I smile and nudge her with my elbow.

"Call me Vicky" she says as we wrap our arms around each other.

We stay in each other's arms and even though I only met her yesterday it feels like I've known her forever. We break apart when we hear a knock on the door. I open my eyes to see Camilla leaning against the door frame.

"Wow looks like you guys are best friends, I'll have to make one of the boys mine" she jokes.

"We can have a group of three" Victoria says.

"Anyway you guys wanna come explore this town with us?" She asks. I look at Victoria and we both nod and walk out the room.

We leave the house all together talking like mad people. I hope our neighbours are nice because we aren't the quietest people.

We walk out onto the beach as a big group. I notice that we all soon break off into our own little groups. I walk at the back with Vicky, Justin and Blair and a few meters in front of us and Kai and Camilla are running around the beach going crazy together.

There's something about Camilla. She's flawless. She is like the picture perfect typical surfer like barbie doll. She jumps onto Kai's back and he grasps her thighs tightly before turning back to the group. She learns forward resting her chin on his shoulder whilst giggling. She sure knows how to flirt with boys that's for sure. When you think of people like her, you think of the popular girl that acts nice, but is secretly a bitch. That's not the case for Camilla, she got a good personality along with the looks.

As for Victoria, she's stunning. Her sandy hair falls below her waist and I'm extremely jealous. She's so carefree and sweet, like she wouldn't hurt a fly.

"Hey you okay?" Vicky asks noticing I haven't said a lot since we left. I've been to busy watching Kai with Camilla.

"Yep I'm fine" I smile, linking my arm in hers.

"Let's have a race!" Kai says when the rest of us catch up to them. I series of 'I'm in's' chorus through us.

"Hey Vick, come here!" Blair yells and Vicky runs over to him and jumps on his back. Camilla is still on Kai's back so looks like she's with him. That leaves Justin.

I slowly walk over to him not wanting to be a prude and not join in. He sends me a half smile as I jump onto his back, his warm hands grasping my legs.

"Alright first one to reach the end of the beach" Camilla explains before adding "the pair that looses buys drinks!"

We all line up and Blair counts to three before all the boys take off.

"Go on the wet sand, it's easier" I whisper into Justin's hear and he sprints down to the waters edge.

We ended up winning and Blair and Vicky lost. Now we all sit gathered around a table at a small cafe on the beach front.

I unfortunately got sat between Blair and Justin. I sit there sipping on my lemonade quietly, not wanting to talk to either of them.

"Hey Tilda, can I call you that?" Blair asks and I nod. I still don't want to talk to him.

"I'm sorry about before I shouldn't have been so nosey, I'm just a curious person" he apologies.

"It's okay" I say quietly.

"I'll respect your privacy more from now on."

"Thanks" I smile. I guess Blair isn't so bad after all, he may be a little blunt, but he's okay.

I look over to see Justin on his phone under the table. I take a sneaky glance down to read the name on his screen. It's Mac.

"How's Mac?" I ask and he stares at me slightly confused and shocked that I'm speaking to him. I guess I would be to if I were him, but I mean we'll be living together for the next near.

"Lonely" He chuckles.

"Oh please, Mac is a social butterfly he has tones of friends" I laugh.

"Yeah but he's girls gone" he smirks.

"Ava's moved!?"

"Yeah didn't she tell you?" He asks shocked and I shake my head. The conversation slowly dies from then.

We spend the rest of the afternoon waking the streets and exploring our new home. We walk back home along the beach.

Camilla's still all over Kai, but he doesn't seem to mind. I mean as if he would, Camilla's gorgeous. Blair seems to be showing a strong liking to Vicky because he won't seem to leave her alone. As for me, I walk at the back by myself.

"Hey" Justin turns around from his spot a couple of meters in front of me. He slowly walks towards me. "Now that we're talking again, I.." He starts but I cut him off.

"Just because we talked doesn't mean I forgive you" I snap.

"But I, I..." He stammers and I walk start to walk away. "Tilda wait!" He yells and runs up to my side.

"I have nothing to say" I tell him and kept walking faster than before. The others are still ahead of us and they're not looking, but I know they're listening.

"Please Tilds I can expl..." He begs desperately. His voice is husky and raw. Is he crying? The sun has gone down making it too dark to see his face.

"Don't tell me you can explain!" I scream and I try to gulp away the bulge that's forming in my throat. " YOU LEFT, you left me!" That's when the tears start. I've cried over Justin too many times. I try not to, but I can't help it. "You left me and it destroyed me Justin" I sob, "you don't know what I went through. Nothing you say can mend the whole you left in my chest" I say and turn away from him. Why does we have to keep bringing it up? I hate the others seeing me like this.

"Matilda I, shit" he pauses "I can't think of the words to say" he sighs.

"Then say nothing" I breath and walk away from him once again. I walk a fair distance before his voice makes me stop dead in my tracks.

"I WENT TO A MENTAL HOSPITAL" Justin yells to me, my heart stops.

A/N Tbh I'm quite proud of the chapter. Hope you enjoyed!

:) xx

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