Bumped by Accident

Start from the beginning

~Rapunzel P.O.V.~

Merida shot one of her arrows at the black creature and it hit on its tail. At least I thought it's the creatures tail. I don’t know what the black creature was. I bet Jack knew and so as Merida. The creature fell down and crashed into the trees. We stopped in midair like we were just floating.

“What on earth was that?” I asked them.

“It was a Night Fury.” Jack said.

“Oh.” I have no idea what it was. “What the hell is a Night Fury?” I asked suspiciously.

“It’s a dragon Rapunzel.” Merida answered. I got stressed because I still don’t know what a dragon is. Argh!! >.<

“A dragon?”

“Don’t tell me you don’t know what a dragon is Punzie.” Jack said.

“Okay. Then I won’t tell you.” Sheesh. Now they’re leaving me hanging of what this creature is. -_-

“Let’s check on that beast then.” Merida demanded. Oh! So a dragon’s a beast. Question just answered! ^_^

"Okay." Jack said while geting ourselves down. When we touched the surface, Jack lets go of us.

"Search the area guys." Merida demanded.

“Since when did YOU become the leader?” Jack asked angrily. Not again. What’s up with this two? “I don’t even think you know much of this FOREST.” Jack exclaimed.

“Alright then! You rule gummy!” Merida crossed her arms at her chest. Oh no. How long will this last? :/

“Okay. Let’s head to where it crashed.” He instructed us.

"Oh! You mean to those trees?" I pointed out to the straight fallen tress.

"Excellent Punzie! You're a quick spotter." He smiled at me.

"Oh," I chuckled. "It's nothing."

We came close to those trees then we saw the bushes move and heard something like a broken branch?..

"Ok. Nobody panic. It might be just a little rabbit or something." Merida said.

"Oh yeah? Well what if I'll tell you that bunnies and rabbits only come out from a hole?" Jack said. Hole? What does he mean?

"What do you mean Jack?" I asked him with a confused look on my face.

"Nah.. You'll be more confused." He declined.

"Oh well then, I'm now confused." I said. Then the bushes moved again.

"Hey you! Don't come any closer!" I shouted with courage. I'm not scared though. "We're armed! My sister's got her bow, he has his uhmm... stick..  And I.. uhh.. I've got my... my FRYING PAN! And uhh... I'm not afraid to use it! This weapon of mine is deadly! It literally knocked out one guy this very day!"

"I've just got three things to say. Two for you Punzie and one for that guy or thing behind the bush." Jack said. "One, dude she's right! It's freakingly deadly! Two, it's not a stick. It's a staff. And three, "HE" has a name you know..." I know he was talking about him. Whatever. We're too busy for that. -_-

"Not now Jack. We're in a middle of something. And that includes you." I said. Then he stopped complaining.

"Show up you coward! Or else I'm gonna shoot you!!" Merida just got impatient.

"Okay! Okay! Don't shoot! I'm just an innocent traveller!" A guy went out  of the bushes. He is wearing dark green pants, a green tunic that reaches to his mid-thigh, a brown belt, a brown vest-like fur coat, and boots. He has a brunette hair and he's skinny too... Are all boys skinny?? Cause Jack is, and so is this guy... Nah.. Don't think so... Good thing he's harmless. Whew! ^_^ "


Thanks for reading my story, guys! Even if it's boring.. Now we've reached a mountain peak reads!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH TO ALL OF THOSE WHO WERE READING THIS RIGHT NOW!!!!!

I've got so many ideas for the book... I'm even thinking of having Book Two, Three, and Four because my mind is completely full of plans... hahaha... NOT SURE THOUGH>>>> Maybe I WILL... xDD hahahahaha... SILLY ME!

I'll update soon...!! Keep voting for free dedications...! Comment and share if you want.... Follow me if you really love RotBTD.... ^_____^"  I'll follow ya back! ;DD That's a promise.... :D


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