Let Me Save Your Heart - Part 12.

Start from the beginning

"Nikki, you're better off asking your brother. If he wants you to know, then he will tell you."

"I don't want to ask Max."

"And why is that?"

"Because I'm asking you, now tell me the truth. What happened between you and Max?" I repeated myself, determined that I wasn't going anywhere before I had got the truth from Zayn and found out what was really going on with him and Max.

One of them was going to tell me, and I knew that Max would never tell me. He doesn't tell me anything, other than the people that I need to avoid and not go anywhere near because they might cause me trouble in the future.

He was good at that one.

Shame he wasn't better at telling me the real reason behind him not liking people and the actual reason that he wants me to stay away from them.

Zayn was going to tell me the truth and I was determined that I was going to get it from him before we got back to mine and Nathan's house.

Or I was just going to be having a quiet night in with Nathan tonight, and I wouldn't be going anywhere other than the sofa and then bed once I was bored with the TV.

"Why does it matter so much?" Zayn shouted, stopping once more in his tracks and looking at me. Waving his arms around in the air, trying to get more out of me than I was willing to give.

"Because he's my brother and you're someone that I met at a party. I want to know why you get under his skin so much and why he is adament that I'm to stay away from you?" I shouted back.

I'm surpsised that people weren't walking out of their houses, just to see what all the comotion actually was.

We were being pretty loud, not exactly the quietest people in the world when we're arguing with each other.

"Because me and Max used to be friends. Before he got into The Wanted and I got into One Direction, me and Max were bestfriends who did everything together."

"And what happened to that?"

"I slept with his girlfriend on a drunken night out and she ended up pregnant; she disappeared and never told either me or Max who the father of her baby was. He also found out that I was cheating with my coursework at school, I was getting other people to do it for me because I was a complete idiot. I had no idea what I was doing. He threatened to tell my teacher what I was doing, so I got him beaten up and, after that, he never bothered with me again and just let me get on with my life. Does that answer your question?" Zayn snapped angrily, and I didn't know what to say. I was actually speechless and had nothing to say in reply to that.

It explained the reason Max didn't want me anywhere near him, he knew the sort of person that he was and he understood that he was just going to hurt me when he got bored with me.

I guess Maz did actually know him and he wasn't trying to be a twat. For once, he was actually trying to protect me because he knew the truth and only wanted me to be happy.

He didn't want me to go through the same pain that he did.

It all makes sense now.

And it also makes everything so much more complicated between the two of us.

"Erm, well, that's, erm, that explains a lot. I guess..." I said after about five minutes.

"Look, that was a long time ago now. I'm not that person anymore and I'm not after anything from you, I just want to get to know you better." Zayn replied, sadness washing over his eyes.

"How do I know that? Max seems pretty certain that you're no good for me..."

"You're just going to have to give me the chance to prove myself. I'll show you, and Max, that I'm not like that anymore and I'm only after friendship from you."

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