Should I...

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Chapter 48:

(Songs for this chapter: Circles by Mariah Carey

Wherever You Are by 5sos

and Don't Forget About Us by Mariah Carey)


"About Luke and Joanna, there's something you should know," Michael starts. I take a deep breath and find myself holding it in. "You have nothing to worry about. I know she seems amazing and all-"

"amazing? She's fucking perfect Michael!" I chip in.

"I know right! And oh God, that was just by looking at her. Wait 'till you actually talk to her! She gets so much better." Michael adds with excitement.

Is he serious right now??? HES NOT HELPING ME AT ALL!

"Like I was saying," Michael continues.

"Mikey, I think you said enough. I've gotta go. Goodbye." I cut him off, ending the call.

I wish I answered Calum's call and not Michael's. I think to myself.

Everyone seems really busy in the kitchen- and by busy I mean distracted. They're all talking, cooking food, and cracking jokes- so I decide to just go out for a walk.

I'm not sure where I'm headed right now, but the breeze feels good on my face. It helps relax my tense body and it's exactly what I need right now. I look around and see trees dancing in the cool wind. As I walk I notice the silence filled in the air. The only noise is made by my Converse when they touch against the pavement.

The street was empty until a car rolls by and comes to a stop next to me. I was planning on running but what's the use? I turn to see it was Diana and I release a breath of relief.

"Hey." I say, quietly and calmly. My face is gent lifted by the slight smile I'm giving her.

"Hey. Where're you headed to?" She beams. It's always good to see Diana. I love her so much.

" where special. I'm just walking." I shrug.

"Are you busy right now?"

"No....why? What's up?" I question.

"Wanna come over?" Diana invites me.

"Will there be food?"

"Always." She chuckles.

"Of course." I accept, laughing.

"Cool. Hop in."

I walk around to the passenger side of her car and buckle myself in. I'm really glad she stopped when she seen me. I've been feeling empty for the most longest time and even though everyone says they're there for me, I still feel alone. But I can always talk to Diana. She really cares and will listen and I know Drew, Jasmyn, Noel, and Liz all care and listen, it's just different with Diana.

"You look really stressed. What's going on?" Diana points out.

"Let's just say I'm going to need some orange juice, a large pizza, and peanut butter." I tell her.

"Wow. That bad?"

"You have no idea."

When we arrive at her house, Joseph answers the door with a hug and open arms. Diana and I head upstairs and to her room right away. I drink my oj and listen in as she orders us two large pizzas.

"Just in case." She explains, shrugging and hanging up the phone. "You never know when another large pizza will come in handy."

"So what happened?" She asks me.

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