The Interview

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Chapter 40:


It's been weeks now.

It started off as "constant" talking and always trying to communicate and work around each other's schedule.

It was FaceTimes and Oovoo's and texts and IMassages and SnapChats and Twitter/Instagram DM's and phone calls. Tons and tons of phone calls that consisted of laughter and sadness and love and friendship and so many emotions.

We tried everything we could whenever we could. As long as we stayed in touch.

That's all we wanted was to not fade away.

"Don't fade into the back love"

Don't fade away from each other.

Stay talking.

Stay connected.

Keep the love going.

Love will hold us together.

But the conversations started slowing down more and more.

I went from talking to Luke to him being awkward and jittery around me. He tried to end our conversations as quick as possible.

Don't get me wrong, he was always so caring when he talked to me. Always making sure I was okay. Making sure Drew was okay. But even through all that care he was distant.

Those few conversations just lessened as each day and week passed. Now I'm lucky just to talk to Luke once every week and only for about ten minutes if I'm really lucky.

Calum, Ashton, and Michael still call me more often than that, but even they started coming to and end.

I talk to them once every three days or so.

I'm just thankful to talk to them.

And yet even though we're so distant, I still watch their YouTube videos and interviews and live streams. I listen to all of their music and I hope that Luke really wants to be beside me.

Weeks and weeks and weeks pass.

Liz still gets many calls from Luke.

Drew doesn't really, but still way more than I do.

Ashton calls her every opportunity he gets.

We're currently watching one of their interviews live on TV.

"Hey boys. Thanks for joining me." The interviewer says.

"No problem. Thanks for having us." Ashton says. Wow he's changed.

And he likes to talk. Like a lot. Every chance he gets really.

One time, it was him and Calum at an interview at a radio station and I'm pretty sure out of all the questions asked, Calum only got to answer one and even then Ashton cut him off.

"So I have to ask..." The interviewer says. "How are you likening the tour?"

"It's honestly so much fun. The One Direction boys are super great and we're having a blast. I'm so thankful for this opportunity." Michael answers.

"I'm glad. Did you get any support with this back home?" The interviewer asks them. You can't really see her though.

"It was just something we organized and worked really hard on. We definitely got lots of support from our friends. I don't think our families ever expected any of this but they are really supportive now." Ashton responds.

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