Fruit Loops

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Chapter 32:


"Truth." I say.

"Do you like me?" Kiara asks. I was expecting anything but this. Everyone stops what they were doing-weather it was talking or drinking- and they stare at me, waiting for an answer.

"No." I say, staring at her straight in the eyes. But I don't fully believe myself. What if I do like her? What if I lied just now? Nah, I'm just overthinking. I don't like her. I can't like her. We're just friends.

"Huh." She scoffs. "Your turn to spin the bottle."

At the end of the game, Kiara ended up drunk, Ashton had kissed, Mikey and Calum, and then Calum again. Mikey accused Ashton of cheating on him and then Drew did the same thing. Calum is disgusted by all the male lips that touched his face and was thankful for the time when Kiara and his lips connected for a brief moment. Jasmyn was able to force her tongue in my mouth and Drew kissed me on the cheek. She kissed everyone on the cheek that wasn't Ashton. Ashton only got lip action from Michael and Drew (once). And before Michael left, him and Kiara kissed one last time. This wasn't as long though. Thank the Lord.


Michael and I kissed again. I laughed and smiled half way through it. It's kind of funny. Him and I are really good friends. I don't like him as anything more than that and he doesn't like me either. Which is great because then we can do things like make-out in front of everyone without it changing our feelings for each other.

It was funny watching everyone laugh and cheer us on. It was hilarious watching Luke's mouth drop in shock both times. It's fun just to mess with him. It's really a win win situation. I get to kiss a cute guy and make another cute guy jealous. Life is good.

Now of course there is a ring in my head. I'm drunk. I'm not thinking about half the things I'm doing and I just kind of let everything happen without any thought or care to it. Calum and Jasmyn both end up leaving right after Michael. Drew and Ashton go upstairs-INTO THE SAME ROOM- to "sleep" because they're "tired."

Luke is sitting alone on the couch and I take a seat right next to him. He said he doesn't like me. I don't know why I would ask him that. I shouldn't have expected anything more. We're just friends and he made that clear.


Kiara comes and sits right next to me. I can smell the alcohol in her breath and I know she's drunk. She starts to draw circles into my lower chest, higher stomach.

"I'm tired." She says randomly.

"Oh yeah?" I ask and she nods. "Maybe you should go to bed."

"Will you come with."

"Yeah, I'll probably head up to bed soon."

"No. I mean. Will you come to bed with me and sleep next to me."

"You are talking about actually sleep right?" I ask to clarify.

"Mhmmm." She hums, resting her head on my shoulder. She stops drawing circles and wraps her arm around my torso.

"What're you doing?"

"Hugging you." She answers, letting go of a deep breath.

"Why? Don't you like Michael?"

"No. We're just friends. Really great friends and I don't see him as anything more."

Just like me. She doesn't see me as anything more.

I carry her up, bridal style, to my room. I shut the door behind me and place her gently on the bed.

"Can I wear one of your shirts?" She asks me and I nod, finding one from my draw and tossing it to her. She takes off her top-right in front of me- and her bottoms, so she is left in her undergarments. She then puts on the shirt and curls up under the covers.

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