"Just F.r.i.e.n.d.s"

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Chapter 25:

(Song for this chapter: Still Into You by Paramore)


I walk inside after Luke asks to talk to Kiara. I'm honestly confused as to why I'm here and what is going on. She asks me to come over and when I arrive, she slaps me.

I walk in and take a seat at the couch.

"Luke is that you?" I hear I girl's voice say. I'm assuming it's Drew but it doesn't really sound like her.

"No." I say back, but don't mention my name. The girl starts to walk down the steps and once she is down I recognize immediately who it is.

It's Jasmyn.

Hurt and rage fills my body. Kiara didn't mention her being here. She probably didn't know I was coming either.

"C-Calum." She stutters. She's even more beautiful than I remember.

"Hey." I say because I can't think of anything else. "What're you doing here?"

"Luke invited me over. Why are you here?" She asks. Not mean or rude but just curiosity in her tone.

""Kiara invited me."

"Figures." She mumbles under her breath.

"Excuse me?"

"Nothing. She was just asking about what happened between us earlier that's all."

"What did you tell her?"

"That you were a jealous bastard even though I was crazy for you and so you broke things off and I never wanted to get back together."

"Look, I'm sorry I didn't believe you."

"Sorry's not gunna cut it. I really liked you Calum. You meant so much to me but you dumped me and everything we built all because I went to hang out with Luke for an evening."

"That is not why and you know it." I defend.

"Then what was it?" She's now shouting.

"You always looked at him in a different way. You never looked at me or smiled at me like that. And even though you really didn't talk to him, I knew you seen him in this special way even if you couldn't to admit it to yourself." After I say this she stays silent for a while.

"Calum I-"

"It's okay. You don't have to explain yourself or try to lighten the situation. It's over remember? And after I tried to fix things you didn't want to get back together."

"I was not gunna let myself go through any more heartbreak than I had already have. Once you said bye so did I only I didn't try to come back."

Now we're both silent.

"What's wrong with us?" I ask, letting go of a big sigh and sitting on the couch. I hadn't realized it but I had stood up while we were disputing.

"I don't know." She says, sitting down next to me. "I just miss it. I felt comfortable being with you but I can't go back now."

"Why not?"

"Because it happened so long ago. It's not something that we can just pick up where we left off."

"Then let's start over." I suggest.

"Hey I'm Jasmyn. I'm chill and Asian and a cheerleader." She says, starting over.

"I'm Calum. I play the bass, I'm not Asian and I have idiot friends."

"I miss hanging out with all of them." She says, thinking about the old times.

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