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Chapter 29:










-earlier that day-

"Hey do you want a ride home?" I ask Kiara once school ends.

"Sure. By home you mean your place right?" She says.

"That wasn't what I meant but that could work. You sure you don't want to at least stop by your house."

"What for?"

"Talk to you family. At least talk to them."




"When was the last time you seen Elijah?"

Elijah is her new baby nephew. Noel's son. The call him Eli for short.

"Ugh." She groans. "Fine. We can stop by. You win." Kiara says, giving in.

I drive us down to her house really quick so she can see her family.

"Let's just get this over with." She mutters once I park the car. We go to the front and she opens the door, bathing in.

"Mum! Is that you?" I hear Noel ask.

"N-no. It's not." Kiara replies, her voice fading to an end.

"Kiara! You're back!" Noel says joyfully, pulling her into a hug.

"Yeah. I am. How are you doing?"

"I good. Mum's good. The baby's good. We're all fine. How about you?"

"I'm having a nice time with everyone. Can't complain."

"Are you and Luke dating?" Noel whispers.

"No. We're not." Kiara chuckles.

We're just friends. I wanted to say but Noel continues talking.

"But you're sleeping together?"

"No! We're not!"

"Well..." I say, wrapping my arm around her waist.

"WE'RE NOT!" Kiara shouts. I laugh and then move my hand away.

"I'm just gunna go hang out upstairs." I say. "I'll let you two talk." I didn't want to be awkwardly here in the middle of them so I walk up, letting them resolve things. I look around up here and walk into one of the rooms.

It's Kiara's. I can tell because half of the boxes aren't even unpacked and the room seems hardly touched.

I continue to look around and I find a guitar in the closet. I pick it up and take a seat on her bed.
My phones suddenly starts to ring right before I can start playing and I answer it.

"Hello?" I say, and I didn't look at the caller ID.

"Did you tell her yet?" A panicked voice asks. It's Drew.

"No. I haven't." I respond, knowing what she's talking about.

"Luke. You have to say something."

"Why me? Why can't we all just tell her."

"Because you like her!"

"I never admitted to that."

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