He Remembered

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Chapter 35:

(Song for this chapter: Happily by One Direction)


I try to gather up all of my thoughts and process what is going on.

Maybe I don't love Luke. I'm too young to know what love is. Love isn't a possibility for me right now. It's just u not an option I have. I've only known him for about eight weeks. It can't be love.

He's leaving me. They all are but it hurts the most from him. Everyone wanted to tell me but he waited. And the longer he waited, the harder it was for him to tell me and the longer he waited the harder it was for me to hear it. I'm broken and crushed. He wasn't even planning on telling me that night. Now tomorrow Liz comes back and then the next day the boys leave and it will just be me, Liz, Drew, Jasmyn, and Noel. A house of girls. This won't end well. At all.

I'm so stupid to think that things between Luke and I would actually work out. He has dreams too. I was just too blind to take notice to them. Why would I ever think that things could be normal for me.

For a single moment I just want to feel like the universe isn't about to crush me and my heart isn't about to explode.

But I can't even have that.

Now Calum is at my door and I invite him to come in. What kind of a person would I be to make him stand outside.

"So, w-what's up?" I say, building up my strength again.

"I heard about what happened between you and Luke." He mumbles, then raises his voice just a bit. "About how he just told you that we are leaving in a couple of days."

"Yeah." I say, my voice fading. I really don't know how to respond to this.

"I'm sorry this is happening to you Kiara. And I'm sorry that things might not work out between you two."

"They probably weren't going to work out anyways." I mutter. "He can't even trust me."

"That's not true. Luke likes you so much. Don't ever think for a second that he doesn't okay? You're so important. To all of us. Just remember that." Calum tells me and I nod.

"Thanks Cal."

"Yeah. No problem. You wanna hang out?"

"Sure. I have nothing else to do and you're alway great to be around so why not. What do you wanna do?"

"Come by my place with me."

I send him questioning glances. Why does the thought of this kind of freak me out? I just stare at him for a while and then nod.

"Cool." He says. "Let's get going."

"Now?" I ask.

"No. I two years. Yes now!"

"No need to be a smart ass." I mumble. "Gosh."

"Yeah, whatever." He chuckles. I forget how childish and cute he is. Sometimes he can seem big, scary, and intimidating but he's really not.

We both go out to his car and Calum starts to drive to his place.

"I can't fully understand why he didn't tell me." I finally say. "I don't need throw and he knows that. He could've at least gave me a sooner warning." I choke on my own words.

It honestly does hurt. Everyone I care about leaves me. They hurt walk out. And that's what's happening now. These four Australian idiots are leaving and Luke couldn't even give me a months notice in advance to prepare for this. I am not ready for them to leave.

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