I Choose Not

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Chapter 6:

He takes my hand and leads me upstairs into his bedroom. I quietly close the door behind us. He throws his shirt off rapidly and then takes off his belt.

"What are you doing?" I asked him.

"Undressing. Are we gunna do this or not?" Zac asks with a puzzled look on his face.

"Not." I say calmly, sitting on his bed.

"What the fuck? Then why are you here." Zac's so confused. Honestly, he's kind of hot like this and it's funny to see him this way.

"Im here because I don't want to go home just yet but I'm not here to fool around and have sex." I explain and he lets out an annoyed sigh.

Zac falls back onto his bed, right next to me and I lay back too, copying him. "So what do you want to do?" He asks.

"I don't know. Sit here and talk I guess." I rest my head on to his chest and release a deep breath. "It's been a long day." I muttered.

"Or..." He says. "We could..."

"Or? We could what?" I ask, curious at what he has to say.

"Or...we could do this!" He says, rolling over me and tickling me like crazy. I start to laugh harder and harder like a maniac.

"Zac!" I laugh. "Stop. I. C-can't. Breath!" I say in between gasps.

"Come on Kiara. You know you loved it." He moans, getting off of me.

" 'Love' isn't exactly the word I would use." I say, trying to catch my breath.

Why am I here? I think to myself.

"He's going to break your heart in the end." Zac says randomly.

"Excuse me?" I question.

"That blonde kid. He's going to break your heart. I've seen him do it before to a friend of mine."

"And you won't?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"I won't hurt you Kiara. I'm sorry about last night and all that happened because I was high, but I won't break you like he will." Zac says, staring me in the eyes.

He leans in to kiss me but I still don't let him. Im not going to rush into anything.

"I better go." I mutter in a low voice.

"Go out with me tomorrow night." Zac says, standing up.

"What?" I ask, confused.

"Go out with me. I'll pick you up, we can go on a real date, just the two of us."

"I don't know Zac." I look away from him and start walking out.

"Just say you'll consider it." He begged.

"Maybe. I have to go. Goodbye." I walk out of his room, closing the door behind me. I start to race down the stair and make my way to the front door.

"Wait! Kiara!" Zac calls after me. I turn and look up at him, waiting for him to say something. "Am I taking you to school tomorrow?" He asks.

"Sure." I yell back. "Why not."

"See you then." He winks at me and flashes his big gorgeous smile.

Holy. Wow. What am I getting myself into?

I made my way home and opened the door wide enough for me to slip in unnoticed. I could hear voices in the kitchen. I swear, if that's Blondie, I'm going to start a murder spree. Sure enough, it was him and Noel.

Who am I killing first? I thought to myself.

As Noel made her way upstairs to go get something, I quickly slipped into the kitchen, taking a seat next to Blondie. "So how did hooking up with that hoe go?" I asked as I sat down.

"What? You never hooked up with me." He shot back, a wide grin on his face, but I didn't laugh. I just raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh, you mean the other hoe! The one you found me with next to the tree." He says trying to play it of.

More like on the tree. I thought.

"Better than what you could've done." He muttered in a low voice.

Ha! Now that one was actually a good joke! I thought to myself, but I just smirked at him as I drank a glass of water. "Why are you here?" I ask flatly.

"I wanted to see my favorite Princess." He says as though it weren't obvious.

"Where? I don't see that tramp in here." I laughed.

"I wanted to stop by and say hi to you and your mum but then I met your lovely sister Noel."

I laughed again at him. "What happened to 'who cares about Noel'?"

"That was before I met her. She's nicer than you'll ever be." Blondie says.

He doesn't know what he's talking about. She left us. I was the one who had to clean up the mess she left behind. I thought, trying to convince myself that he doesn't know what he's saying. How could someone who just leaves without any warning, causing her parents to divorce, and giving her sister anxiety attacks be "nicer."

"Leave." I mumble, looking away from him.

"Was it something I said? Look I was just joking, Shortcake." Blondie says, sincere.

But I don't care how sincere he is, I want him gone. "Just go before you make everything worse. We have enough problems as it is. I don't need you adding to them just because I wouldn't have sex with you." I say, raising my voice, looking at him dead in the eyes.

"Babe I-" He starts but I cut him off.

"What kind of a person does that? I actually started to like you and I really trusted you. Trust isn't something I just throw around, especially not now! Do you know how much it hurt me to see you with her? Calling her 'Princess' just like you did to me. Making her feel special. Damn it Blondie, I was actually starting to like you!" I repeated. "Just leave!" I could feel the tears about to burst out of my eyes but I held them back. I am not going to cry. Not now.

As he made his way to the door he stopped and turned. "Babe," he starts but I don't look at him. "Kiara, I'm sorry. I-"

"I don't want to hear it. Just go." I say cutting him off again.

"I'm sorry. And I really like you too." That was the last thing he said before he left. When I heard the door slam I crouched to the floor and started crying. My face buried into my hands. As I sat there, quietly sobbing, I could feel a hand start to lightly rub my back.

"It's okay Love." Noel said. "Everything's going to be okay."

I just contiue to sob. There's a pounding in my head and I can't ignore it because it's distracting my train of thought.

"Kiara!" I could hear someone call from outside.

Oh Lord, who is it now?

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