Just Go Ask Luke

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Chapter 30:


"Are you serious?" Kiara asks. "You made a big dramatic deal over that?"

"Do we have a deal or not?" I ask.

"Deal!" Drew says, jumping onto the couch. "I honesty don't mind staying here for the rest of the week at all. I practically live here anyways. And if Liz is leaving soon, I want to spend as much time with her as possible."

"How about you two?" I ask Kiara and Ashton.

The deal is, that if we watch Aristocats, we have to watch Cars right after and Kiara, Drew, and Ashton have to stay over for the week.

Why would I make that deal? To prove to Ashton that I DO NOT like Kiara.

"Yeah sure. My parents won't care." Ashton agrees. We all turn to look at Kiara for a response. She stands there with her arms crossed and eye brows raised. We all stare at her with pleading looks and she finally gives in.

"Where else would I go?" She sighs, taking a seat next to Drew.

We watch both movies and then crash to the couch. Drew slept on the arm of the chair, Ashton on the floor, me resting on the other arm, and Kiara on me. I don't know how we all it in these positions but it's good for a night. We're all comfortable and tired so I'm not going to make anyone move. After a while of thinking, I knock out.

The next morning I can hear everyone talking but I'm too tired to move.

"Do it." I hear someone say.

"No you do it." Another voice chips in.

"I'll do it!" A final voice says. I feel a body lay on top of me, not doing anything at first.

Suddenly I feel a slimy tongue lick from my cheek all the way up to my forehead. It's a disgusting feeling on my face. I assume it's Drew or Kiara so, without opening my eyes, I kiss the person on their cheek. The kiss is sloppy and wet. After a few seconds I pull away and open my eyes only to see Ashton on me.

"If you wanted to make out with my cheek you didn't need to pretend to sleep to do it." Ashton comments, getting off of me.

I feel so gross and disgusted by this but just to piss him off, I stand up next to him and peck his nose. Then I run to the bathroom and wash my whole face, scrubbing every single part of it.

I decide I need a shower so I start to undress. Then there's a knock at the door but before I could respond it opens wide and Drew and Kiara walk in.

Shit. I didn't lock the damn door.

"Gross!" Kiara shouts, closing her eyes and turning away.

"Ehh. I've seen your dick before. It's nothing new." Drew says. Before you get any ideas, we never had sex. I've just known her so long, this isn't the first time she's walked in on me naked.

"Do you mind turning around so I can at least put a towel on?" I shout to Drew who finally turned around.

"Stop being such a baby about it. I get you have tiny nuts but I've seen them before so calm you shit and stop yelling at me." She says.

"What do you want? I need to shower." I say.

"Tonight we decide to go to the movies. I just wanted to tell you."

"What are we going to go watch?"

"Paper Towns."

"I'm not going."

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