"Get up." She giggled, whacking me with the pillow.

"So abusive." I joked as I stood up before putting on some shorts and followed her out the door to the kitchen where the boys were heating up leftover pizza.

"Hey Kat!" They greeted her.

"Want a slice?" Zayn handed her a plate.

"Sure." She shrugged as she walked over to the box and served resell.

"How many do you want?" She turned to me.

"Three please." I smiled. She nodded before adding three more slices to the plate and putting it in the microwave.

"Did Harry tell you what happened today?" Niall asked.

"Yeah, he did and Louis please keep your hands off my boyfriend." She giggled.

"Oh yeah, what are you going to do about it?" He challenged her. He walked over to her and stood up tall to intimidate her.

She raised her fist, making him flinch. The rest of us laughed as Louis regained his posture.

"I just wasn't ready." He scoffed as she shuffled back to his seat.

Kat put the plate between us and I quickly grabbed a slice. I was actually starving and the pizza smelled delicious.

"I wonder how many times we've had pizza the whole time we were here." Liam asked as he examined his pizza slice.

"Too many to count. And we can thank Kat for that." Niall laughed.

"You didn't have to eat the pizza every time. Don't act like you don't like it." She pointed at him accusingly.

"I'm a changed man." Niall admitted.

"We're really going to miss you." Zayn sadly smiled at her before looking down at his slice, slowly picking off the olives.

"I'm going to miss you all too. You're the best friends anyone could ask for. A little nuts sometimes but I can't complain. I kinda like it." She chuckled.

"We're still stuck with her for one more day I don't know why you're all being sad and sappy now." Louis rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Just wait until then, you'll be crying." Niall laughed.

"No I won't." Louis shook his head.

"Harold's gonna be the one blubbering like a baby."

"Can you blame me? I won't be ashamed." I shrugged before smiling over at Kat, who smiled back.

"Alright this is getting too mushy for me. I'm going to bed." Louis walked over and put his plate in the sink.

"Good riddance." Kat scoffed. As soon as she said that Louis turned around and glared at her.

"I said good night." She smiled innocently.

"Of course you did." Louis smiled back obnoxiously.

The next morning, I felt someone tickling my arm. I opened my eyes to find Kat tracing the tattoos. When her eyes met mine they went wide which made me chuckle.

"I didn't mean to wake you." She smiled.

"It's alright." I replied groggily. I stretched before pulling he run closer to me.

"I really like your tattoos." She smiled as she continued tracing them.

"Not sure your parents will." I chuckled.

"We just won't mention it to them." She  replied, a guilty smile on her face.

"Why do you have so many?"

"They all mean something. Some are reminders of people and others are just represent the things I love." I shrugged.

"Promise me you'll tell me what they all mean one day, yeah?" She looked up at me hopefully.

"For next time, I promise I'll tell you the meaning of every single tattoo. You just have to come back to me."

"Deal." She nodded. She kissed me quickly before laying her head on my chest. We were quiet for a bit when she spoke up again.

"I'm going to miss this." She whispered. "Having someone to wake up to, to talk to."

"I don't know how I ever woke up alone. Doesn't feel right anymore." I agreed.

"We might not even be asleep at the same time sometimes. How would we talk?" She looked up at me.

"We wake up a little earlier and we stay up a little later just to make sure we can say good morning or good night to each other." I tucked a strand of her messy wavy hair behind her ear and out of her face. "We won't give up so easily." I assured her.

"Ok." She nodded before snugging back into again.

"The band doesn't have anything to do today. What are we doing?" I asked.

"Can we just lay here for a bit? I kinda like it."

"I do too." I placed my hand on her bare thigh and closed my eyes again, just enjoying the closeness when there was a knock on the door.

"Hey, lovebirds! We're making waffles. Are you gonna want some?" Niall yelled through the door.

"That was nice while it lasted." I chuckled.

"Yeah the whole two seconds."

"I'm so sorry for my friends." I smiled as I look down at her.

"They're my friends too. Now come on, let's eat some waffles with our annoying friends." She giggled before pulling on some shorts and scurrying out the door letting in the smell of something burning, cinnamon, and syrup. I was a lucky man.

I know. I'm so sorry. I've been reading this series on wattpad nonstop and today finally decided to update. This is more of a filler. Let me just finish the last book and I'll be back to updating regularly. You know what it's like to get sucked into a fanfic, please be patient with me lol. Please don't hesitate to comment or vote. I would really appreciate it. Love you guys!

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