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I'm in a writing class, and we do writing exercises were we write a short story sometimes in about fifteen minutes or less. I've decided to put together the short stories I've done on Wattpad. I've also re-written them since the writing was basic, and I flushed the out a bit. I hope you enjoy them!

How's this going to work?

I'm going to put at the top in bold what we instructions we had before writing (ex: make a character or pull a picture of a location out a jar and make a story with that as the setting). After I put that at the top, I will then put the writing and follow with an author's note afterword as normal. I know I started putting quotes at the beginning or chapters for my newer work, I'm not going to for this collection.

What can you do?

If you would like, you could suggest possible short story ideas for me to try my hand at and write. I'll make sure to create the owner of the idea if I chose to use their idea. This way, I'll feel more connected to my readers.

When will this start?

Set the date! The first work in A Short Story Collection will be posted on Tuesday September 22, 2015 at around 4 p.m. I will then post every week on that day unless I mention otherwise.

What about your other works?

I'm at a block for Hearing Everything Around Me because it is close to end as it is shorter than my other two works. On Sundays, I hope to alternate between Can You Remember? and It Started As a Deal, but it all depends with school. As of right now, on Sunday September 27, 2015, I will post something for It Started As a Deal and then begin alternating between the two. I hope to start posting for Hearing Everything Around Me on Friday October 2, 2015.

Anything new?

I'm currently working on the beginnings of a new story, but I won't be releasing any details just yet! I plan to post the Introduction to it on Christmas. When I do, I'll put an updated updating schedule for all my works then too that will include the new story that will officially start in the new year.

That's all for now lovely reader! The soonest you'll hear from me is September 22!

~jnicoleb1234 out!

A Short Story Collection #Wattys2018Where stories live. Discover now