do you know what i hate?

Start from the beginning

 4- "Gangsters"

 Oh God black men what is wrong with you acting like this? It's so annoying. i don't care how "hench" you are or how "easy you can knock a guy out" i really don't care. I don't want a man whose ego is bigger than him. Gosh chill it and please for the love of god speak in proper English because we are not "linking" or "munching face" we are going out and kissing. i like you and all but your tough man thing annoys me. Cool it down. I don't like being called babe or babes we are not in the ghetto i ain't your hoe nor are you my pimp!

 Yes i am talking to you ;)

 5- Hypocrites

 Oh these people ka. It's like you can do something but if i do it it's not okay? Oh hell no. why is it okay for you to be shopping at this place but if i do it its wrong and I'm scum? Get your head on right.

 6- Those people who have to make you look bad to make themselves look good.

 So many people are like this. This is going to be another jump into my daily life. Here is a conversation between me and 2 other people

 Boy: Kay i hear you like someone

 Kay: no i don't.

 Boy: yes you do i know all about him he goes on our bus

 Kay: oh so

 Boy: i hear you perve on him

 Kay: well Mimi sniffs him

 Me: (I'm just stood there thinking wtf)

 Point is, why bring me into this? If you are in deep shizz don't involve me. Sort yourself out.

 (N/A sorry but it had to be said and unfortunatly i did sniff him but i had a good reason behind it..)

7- People who judge me too quickly

 When people look at me they immediately think I'm 12 years old, poor and retarded. Why do you do that? Do you know me? No so don't assume things you have no idea about. Let me tell you something judgers, 1. I'm 15 years old 2. I'm not poor 3. I'm very smart thank you very much! Have you never heard the term looks can be deceiving? Next time talk to me first.

 8- Being called coloured

I ain't coloured! I'm black! white people think that calling me coloured is less offensive but no, to me it's more offensive so if you can't say black don't say anything else because i don't change colour I'm black no matter what. White people, if anyone, should be called coloured because they can change colour. This is not a racist thing, this is just me saying.

 9- Needy people

 Baby, i love you, what are you doing right now? Excuse me? Why are you so damn needy? Stop asking what I'm doing every 10 seconds it's so annoying and creepy! Tone it down.

 10- Users

 You got no one to go somewhere with? You want me to go? Oh hell no. I'm either your 1st choice or nothing. don't just use me just because there's nothing better for you.

 11- Fake people

 You are so fake you make Barbie jealous. Woman why are you so fake. This is going to be another dialogue.

 Friend: *ducks down*

 Me: why are you ducking down?

 Friend: i don't want to be seen in here

 That right there was a lie. She was just doing that because queen bee was also doing it. don't be fake just be yourself.

 12- Rave music

 It shouldn't be classed as music. I just hate it i's painful to listen to.

 13- People who asks me to do something for me but when i ask them for a favour it's like no.

 Why do you do it? This is another dialogue one.

 Wattpader: hey can you read blah blah blah for me?

 Me: yeah sure

 * After i finish reading*

 Me: that was really good, could you do me a favour and look at blah blah blah

 Wattpader: no I'm busy.

 Wtf why did you make me do that if you can't even return the favour. EVIL!

 14- Lazy people

 I know I'm lazy but some people take the mick. It's like the thing is right in front of you do it yourself.

 Friend: can you take this for me please (pushing rubbish in my direction)

 Me: no, dude it's right in front of you

 Friend: i don't want to walk, Carlen can you do it?

 Carlen: of cause because I'm such a kiss arse (runs and puts rubbish in bin)

 (NA// i might have exagereatted the last part but she might aswell have said that)

15- Authors that get bored of uploading 

 Dude i was reading that!! Why did you stop and forget about it sorry to name and shame but if i have to i will do it.


i got nothing against the dude i just don't like his music but his fans? Oh hell no. wtf is wrong with them? Why would you send death threats to his girlfriend? Dude he was never going to get with you anyway gosh grow up! And this whole changing your fb name to his last name is just sad. He's not and probably ever going to be married to you. Stop being do freaking weird.


 I get that you're good at something. Do you have to rub it in people's faces? No. so shut up and just low it. Stop making us feel bad about ourselves.

 19. People who can't admit when they're wrong

 Dudes give it up and get over yourself. You're not that awesome so you're not going to be right all the time. No body's freaking perfect. Remember that. When you're wrong do you have to make a big scene saying that you're still right no matter what? Kmt grow up and get over yourself you're not Jesus or Buddha.

 20. Eggs

Those things are just nasty. People you're eating chicken poop!! ;)

** that's the end. i think this is the most I've ever written. What did you think? By the way all names used are replacement names... vote/comment**

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