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"We're gonna get in trouble," He complained as we walked out of the school. I honestly didn't know where we were going, but I'm sure as hell it's better than being in a classroom full of uneducated people.

"Oh come on, since when are you worried about getting in trouble?" I asked.

"Believe or not, I've never skipped," He says, rubbing the back of his neck.


"All those things people say about me aren't true. I mean, yeah I've asked a couple of girls for nudes in the past, but people can change, you know? And I changed,"

He looked like he was about to cry; he acts like its a sensitive topic for him.

"Sammy, are you a virgin?"

"Yes! I haven't gone very far with a girl, I haven't even kissed a girl," He said. "I'm just waiting for the right girl, you know?"

I looked from his eyes to his lips. Is this the right time? Should I kiss him?

I put my hand on his face and pulled his face to my lips, connecting mine with his. Our lips went together perfectly, it's like our lips were puzzle pieces and his lips are my missing puzzle piece. After awhile, I pulled away.

"I wasn't expecting that," He said, nervously. He looks so cute when he's nervous; wait scratch that, he looks cute all the time.

"Did you think anything was gonna happen between us today?" I asked, referring to the kiss. In all honesty, I didn't plan to kiss him, but I would also be lying if I said I had never thought of it before.

He shook his head. "No. I mean, I've thought of it before, like a lot. It's basically all I think about,"

I smiled at his response. I stood up, grabbing his hand as I stood up. I figured we should go back to class.

We started walking back, eventually getting back to school. I said my goodbyes to him as I went to algebra. I walked into the class, all eyes on me. I walked over to my seat, and sat down. Once I sat down, Jack gave me a weird look.

"What are we working on?" I asked him. No answer. What the fuck? Is he really gonna ignore me?

"Jack," I said. I didn't receive anything back from him, he didn't even look at me. "Fine, whatever," I told him, going up to the teacher and asking what we were doing.

I got the homework packet and sat back down. I went into my bad, got out my headphones and plugged them in. I turned my music up, so it was loud, so that way, I couldn't hear anyone.

I started working on my packet, and as I was doing so, I heard someone tap my desk with their pencil. I took my headphones out and looked straight ahead, Jack was trying to get my attention.

"What do you want?" I asked, acting mad.

"I uh, wanted to ask you what you got for n-number 13," I knew he was lying, but whatever.

"I got 25,"

He looked confused, but I just put my headphones back in and continued working.

I heard another tap, so I looked up and it was Jack again.

"What do you want now?!"

I saw the hurt in his facial expression. "I-I'm sorry. For everything that's happened in the past few days,"

"It's fine,"

"Are you busy after school? I was thinking maybe we could hang out,"

"I can't go anywhere, I'm grounded. But feel free to come over, since I'm stuck in my house for a fucking week," I told him.

"Why are you grounded?" He asked, playing with his fingers.

"I came home after curfew, so my parents grounded me for a week,"

He licked his lips. "That sucks, but at least I can come over,"


I saw that he opened his mouth to say something, and then closed it, and continued to work.

"You know, I just feel like you are- never mind," I started to speak, but stopped because I didn't wanna cause another fight with him.

"What? Just tell me," He told me, paying attention to me.

"It's nothing," I replied, coughing. I pushed a piece of hair behind my ears.

"It's obviously something, come on, tell me,"

I sighed. "Fine, I just feel like we're drifting apart," It pained me to say that, I hate the thought of me and Jack drifting away, I love him too much.

"I don't want to. But you've been hanging out with Sam lately,"

"Yesterday is the only time we've ever hung out," I told him. It feels like me and Sam have been friends for awhile, but I know it hasn't even been a week.

"Well it feels like you want to hang out with him more than me, I mean, I'm your best friend!"

"Yes you are, Jack. You always will be," I said with a sly smile. He smiled back, fixing his snapback.

"Always and forever?"

"Always and forever,"



Here I was, sitting in art, thinking of that kiss. Man, I can't get over how stunningly beautiful she is. Her hair is so long and perfect, I just wanna play with it, and pull on it, making her moan my name. And her body, my fucking god it's hot. There are so many things I wanna do to her. My mind was filling with thoughts of her.

"Sam?" Someone asked. I snapped out of my thoughts and looked up.

I gulped. "Huh? Oh, sorry, I've got so many things on my mind," I told my friend Nate.

"It's cool. You busy after school? We could smoke like old times,"

"I don't think so, but I don't wanna smoke today,"

"What?! You're always in the mood to smoke, bro," He told me, with wide eyes. I rolled my eyes at him.

"Yeah, but not today," I started. "I met this girl yesterday, her name is Angela, she is the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. Like wow, I've never seen someone so fucking gorgeous,"

"Angela Glass?" He asked. I nodded. "That's my cousin,"


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