65: The Biggest Plot Twist in Janiel History!

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Joey POV

I stood in front of the back door to mom and dad's house with Nicole standing beside me.

"Are you nervous?" She asked me.

"Yeah, a bit." I say as I feel myself panicking.

"Deep breathes Joey, stay calm, remember, you love him, and he loves you." She tells me calmly. I gulp and then nod as the music starts. I glance around the yard and see everyone standing there, watching me. I feel anxiety rise but I brave it out as Nicole interlocks our arms and we walk down the aisle together. I feel a smile grow as my eyes lock on Daniel who has a goofy grin on his face and tears in his eyes. Nicole drops me off and then whispers something in Daniel's ear that makes his eyes go big and he looks at her with a frightened look. I giggle only imagining what she said.

"We are gathered here today, to celebrate the Union of two hearts in a strong bond of love. Now for each groom, they have both written their own vows in which they will present, starting with Daniel." The minister said. I look and Daniel and smile.

"Joey, my beautiful Joey. I had no idea how lucky I was to have found you. It felt as if this giant hole in my heart was covered and that the clouds in my head cleared to reveal the beautiful sun that resembles you so much. You have become a part of me. A part that will never leave. No matter what. I love you. And this love is strong and pure." Daniel finishes. I feel tears roll down my face as the minister turns to me.

"And now Joseph will present his." The minister said. I look at Daniel again.

"Daniel Christopher Preda, I never thought that the one night while I was at a gay bar I would have gotten your number only to know years later we would be where we are now. Before I met you, I never believed in love, I never believed it existed. But you turned that around. I fell in love the moment I met you because I felt that bond. You taught that I don't have to wait for the world to be ready because no one said I couldn't explore." I finish off and Daniel is close to a breakdown, I can see it.

"Now it's time for the exchanging of the rings." The minister said as Garret walked up with the rings. We exchanged out rings and now it was time for the big moment.

"Joseph, do you take Daniel to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and through health, for better or for worse?" The minister asked.

"I do." I say.

"And Daniel, do you take Joseph to be your lawfully wedded husband, in sickness and through health, for better or for worse?" The minister asked Daniel.

"I do." Daniel said.

"Then by the power invested in me, I now pronounce you husbands, you may kiss your groom." The minister said as he stepped back. I look at Daniel and then we lean in and out lips touch.

My eyes snap open.

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