48: Two Worlds Collide

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Daniel POV

I locked the door behind me and ran down the street to the meeting place of the gang I was in. I stopped made sure the money was in my bag and then continued running until I arrived.

"So slut, do you have my money?" He asked.

"Yes." I said and handed the bag over to him.

"Hmmm you did good, even threw in an extra $100. good boy." he said and then undid my belt.

"You get to be rewarded by me sucking your cock." he said and then took me into his mouth.


Joey POV

I ran around the park with Wolf, playing whatever doggy game he was playing. It felt good to be free. I giggled as Wolf stopped and started rolling around on the ground.

"Wolf you dirty boy." I said and then continued.

"You're sick in the he-" I cut myself off as the memories of Daniel came flooding back to me. I sighed and then dragged wolf back to the car with me and we drove off. I arrived at the house and then started packing my stuff away. Once everything was packed I wrote a note to Shane saying I was going to live with Nicole for a while. Then I put everything into my car and drove off.

Daniel POV

I ran from Mike.

"Come here you little bitch!" He screamed, chasing me. I panicked and ran past a car at a stop light that looked oddly familiar but I didn't have time to stop and look. I ran around a corner and hid. I saw Mike and his men run past. I slowly crept out and legged it across the street to the park and then hid behind a tree.

"Well hello Daniel." I hear a cold chilling voice say from the other side of the tree.

I boot it out of there and run.

Breaking the Barricades (Read by Joey Graceffa)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن