63: Time for Some Joey Relaxation

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Joey POV

-2 weeks later-

I walk through front door with Mason in his stroller and place my keys in the dish beside the door. It was the first day back for Daniel to go to work and I took Mason for a bit of fresh air. I walk over to my MacBook and open it up to look for wedding ideas. Daniel and I had this romantic idea of having our wedding in thanksgiving. So I looked up so romantic fall ideas for the wedding. I look over at my clock and it reads 11:56 AM. I close my laptop and walk into the kitchen to grab something to eat for lunch. Once I made my lunch, I start preparing Mason's. I hear the front door open and Daniel walks into the house.

"DANIEL! Why are you home so early?" I ask him.

"Lunch!" He said as he takes my meal to the couch.

"That's mine you bitch." I say to him.

"That makes it even better." He replies.

"You're sick in the head." I tell him.

"You're sick in the head." He mimics. I scoff and take Masons bottle up to his room and feed him.

-1 month later-

I open up the front door and breathe in the fresh October air. I carry Mason out to the car and place him in his car seat then stop him in. I get into the drivers side and then drive off towards Garret and Ricky's house. I decided to let Garret and Ricky take of Mason today so I could go shopping and get a pedicure and manicure.

Once I arrive at Garret's I knock on the door and Ricky answers, shirtless, I might add.

"Hey Joey." He says, slightly red.

"I'm not even going to ask." I say know they had sex moments before.

"So where is my little brother in law." He says and I pick up Mason's carrier and hand him to Ricky.

"Well there's my little bro in law." He says in a baby voice and Mason giggles. I giggle as well watching Ricky communicate with Mason.

"Ok so I'll let you and Garret take care of him. Tell Garret I say hi." I say as I set down the baby bag and then take off to the car. Time for some Joey relaxation

Breaking the Barricades (Read by Joey Graceffa)Where stories live. Discover now