28: GAY Q&A

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Joey POV

I turn the camera on and begin the video.

"Well hello there everyone!" I say, doing my intro.

"As you can see, I  joined by my son, Garret." I continue on.

"Oh hey everyone." He says waving with both hands.

"So what are we gonna do today?" he asks me. I look at him.

"That is a very good question young sir." I tell him.

"Today we are doing a Gay Q&A. So I asked you guys to tweet us 'gay' questions using the #askJoeyandGarret and you guys freaking asked a lot of questions." I say. Garret then nods.

"Ok so first question is sent by bridgitte_holecza (shout out to my bestie) and it reads 'I love you guys so much and I give you my 100% support. So my question is: What is it like living as a gay family?"

"Well thank you for your love and support Bridgitte! Well it certainly is fabulous!" I say.

"Ok the next one is for Garret." I say and Garret covers his face.

"What was your first reaction to Janiel adopting you." Garret covers his face some more.

"I literally died inside." he said. I started laughing at his answer.

"Ok so next question. 'Who bottoms in your relationships?" Garret falls off his chair and I start laughing.

"We both do." I say. Garret gets up and sits back down in the chairs.

"Who do you think is hotter? Oli White or Marcus Butler?" I sat there and thought. but Garret just blurt it out right away.

"OLI!" He screams out. I giggle.

"I'm going with Marcus." I say and then move on.

"Ok so who is the house bitch?" O sat there and looked at the camera

"Have you ever watched gay porn?" Both Garret and I nod.  I laugh at his face.

"Ok the next question is for Garret from Ricky Dillon." I say and then look at Garret.

"It reads 'Marry me?'" I smile and Garret looks up to see Ricky on one knee just behind the camera with a ring in his hand. Garret starts crying and nods. Tears form in my eyes.

"Ok everyone, Daniel was recording the moment so I will put it in right after my outro. So without any further ado, May the odds be ever in YOUR favour, goooooooooodbye." I say and then cover the camera. I look over to see Ricky and Garret cuddling the couch, tears still in Garret's face.

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