2: Coming Out

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Joey POV

I sat down in front of my camera once again. I look to my right to see Dan sitting in a chair smiling at me. I take a deep breath and then turn back to the camera and turn it on.

"Well hello there everyone..."

About 20 minutes later I finish recording. The second I turn the camera off and ran into Daniel's arms and cried.

"I scared Dan. What will people say? Please tell me what to do." I cry into his chest. Daniel runs his hand up and down my back trying to calm me down.

"Joey, upload it, if people don't accept you, then they aren't real fans. Your real psychopaths will accept you." he tells me as he continues rubbing my back. I look up at him and smile.

"Thanks babe." I say as I peck him on the lips. I feel my phone vid rate in my pocket and it's a text from Miranda. OMG I completely forgot to tell her about me. I never oust open the text and then giggle.

M: Joey, y didin u tell me u cheaded on me? Why?

I looks up and Dan and the smiled.

I went back to my computer and started editing my video quickly. I only cut about 10 minutes of footage out. After I finished I quickly exported it and then opened YouTube. I clicked on upload then I froze.

"Babe, what's wrong?" Daniel asks walking up beside me.

"Do it with me?" I ask. he smiles and then places his hand on top of my own and guides it to the upload button.



1" he counts down. when he hits 1 we both click together. I do my description and quickly throw a thumbnail together. Once the video finished uploading I felt as if a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders. I just came out to the world and said I am gay.

Breaking the Barricades (Read by Joey Graceffa)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang