41: Date with Catgrid

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Joey POV

I stayed in my room for almost 3 days straight, crying, I haven't eaten, I only left to use the bathroom and shower. Cat was trying to help but I kept pushing her away. I lost my life, I lost Daniel. Garret had been staying at home for the past 3 days and has been trying to make feel better as well.

I grabbed my phone and looked at Daniel's number. I felt the tears soak my cheeks as I turned my phone off and cried once again.

The door opened and Cat walked in.

"Come on Joey, we need to go out. You need fresh air." she said and dragged me out of the bed. I groaned and then slumped to the bathroom and took a shower. Cat stood just outside the bathroom.

"Just so you know, you are leaving that room until you look presentable." she said sternly, throwing my outfit inside the room with me. I groaned and then made an effort to make myself presentable. I walked out of the bathroom and Cat smiled.

"There we go, now we're going to meet Ingrid at the mall." she said and pulled my hand out to her car.

"And yes I promise no PDA in front of you." she said and placed her hand on mine. I smiled softly.

"Thanks Cat." I said as she pulled into the street and began to drive towards the mall. I sat back and then I turned the radio off when "Don't Wait" started playing. it was our song. I put my headphones in and played on song that kept playing in my head ever since he left, "If I Had You."

Cat shook my shoulder.

"We're here." she said, getting out of the car. I sighed and got out and followed Cat into the mall and I saw Ingrid standing by a A&F. I ran up to her and hugged her tightly.

"Oh Joey." she said as she embraced me.

"Let's try to have some fun." Cat said, joining us. I nodded and entered the store.

-----2 hours later-----

I laughed as Cat tried on a very hideous shirt.

"Oh girl that shirt makes you look like a 60s mom." I said laughing. Car giggled and then changed back into her normal clothes and then put the clothes back on the rack then we left the store and started walking to the food court. I smiled as Cat decided to pull me towards a photo booth. We all got in a made silly faces and everything. I was having such an awesome time with my two best friends. We got the pictures and then sat down and looked at them, laughing at the stupid faces we made. I giggle and then I look up and my smile fades as I see someone I was hoping I wouldn't see. Daniel strode in front of me with tears in his eyes.

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