25: Re-Inventing Myself

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Joey POV

It's been a week since the "incident" and things are going great. Ricky and Garret are cuddling on the couch and Daniel is away for the day for a photoshoot with Vogue. I decided to leave and do something.

"Ok guys, I'll be gone for a couple hours, I don't wanna see sex when I get back, so get it done ASAP." I say and walk out the door. I decided to go get some groceries. As I'm adjusting the mirrors in my car I start playing around with my hair. Hmmmm it's getting kinda long. I decide to go and get it cut.

When I arrive and walk up to the counter I hear Daniel's voice in my head. "You looked so cute with your emo hair." I thought about it.

"The usual Joey?" The lady, Ally, said to me. I shook my head.

"Nope I going back to my old style." I said. She smiled and brought me to her station.

----DANIEL'S POV----(weren't expecting that were you?)

I get into my car and drive off to Whole Foods to pick up some groceries. When I arrive I send a quick text to Joey telling him I got groceries. I pick out the stuff we need and I got a little something for Jojo.

As I leave, I run into Stacy.

"Oh hi Stacy, how are you?" I ask her.

"Daniel, I'm fantastic how about you, Joey, Garret and Wolf?" She asks as she hugs me.

"Oh we're all fine, I was just out being the wonderful husband I am." I sass. Stacy giggles.

"Well I guess I should let you get back to said husband." Stacy says and walks off. I smile and walk out of the store to the car and pop the trunk. I place the bags inside and then close it.

----JOEY'S POV----

I open the door and Garret and Ricky are no where to be found. I walk into the kitchen and see a note.

Hey Jo, I took Garret out on a date, I'll have him back by 10pm. This will give you and Dan some quality time together. Love your best friend,


I smile at the note and then I turn around to see Daniel drop the groceries in his hand. I look at him. Daniel tackles me into the floor and starts kissing my neck.

"Damn you look so fucking sexy now." he growls as he bites down on my neck cause a girlish moan to slip out.

----DANIEL'S POV----

Holy shit, Joey is fucking sexy with his emo look.

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