chapter 8

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After seeing the phone madison didnt get a wink of sleep that night. It just didnt make any scense to her. Zara wasnt the kind of person to just vanish into thin air. But then again nothing made sense since she left.

She just laid in her bed in the pitch black and just stared at the celling not thinking about anything or feeling anything. Something cold and wet was running down her cheek. She wiped her right cheek and found that a lonely tear was running down her face.

What was is it with me and constantly crying?! She thought to herself, now growing angry at the fact that she's struggling to control her emotions right now. She felt like a failure to everyone around her. The thought crossed her mind that she might be better off leaving everyone and... no she couldn't. She wouldn't. She didn't have it in her to leave everyone she loves in this kind of pain. She had them to lean on but who did they have?

Before she knew it she was in floods of tears.

The reality that Zara wasn't around had it and it hit hard. She couldn't control her emotions anymore they were controlling her now. She just wanted her best friend back.

She grabbed her pillow and cuddled up to it. But it wasn't enough she just wanted someone's arms around her, someone who cared about her. The problem was she didn't want only anyone's arms, the arms she wanted the most weren't around to hold her and tell her everything is going to be okay.

"Forever is a long time, but I wouldn't mind spending it by your side" The text on the case that was on the phone kept running around in circles in Maddison's head. She just couldn't shake it off. Maybe it was a clue? She thought. It can't be though, could it?

Sitting up she checked the clock on the side of her bed, it read 1.45am. She groaned she had been messaging the guys all night until a few hours ago where they tried to get one sleep, but madison knew that she wouldn't be able to.

She crawled over her bedsheets to her window where she kneeled infront of it and just watched the quiet world as it turned peacefully on its axis. The street lights beneath her shone a bright yellow hue on the pavement below them. She could feel her eyes start to grow heavy as she leaned against the window ledge and let the peace of the night wash over her.

As her eyes started to close she could see the remnants of a bright white light. As her eyes blinked open she saw nothing different. She checked the lights, and they were still they're bright yellow hue. Nothing had changed.

Shrugging it off as a figment of her imagination, she got herself comfy again and let her eyes slowly grow heavy again. But this time the flash of bright light appeared once more and once she opened her eyes, she saw it. A bright specular ball of white light that beamed with beautiful elegant glow. Madison rubbed her eyes frantically, with her mouth open so wide it almost touched the floor, as she watched this ball morf and form into two...legs. is that what it was?

Yes it was legs. Two thin long legs.

Next it shifted into a torso.. what was happening? Madison thought to herself. She raised her self up until her face was resting directly against the cold chill of the window. She watched in amazement as this light somehow transformed itself into the figure of a human. She felt herself grow heavy as the figures light dimmed gradually, she tried her best to fight off this feeling that was washing over her, but she couldnt fight it.

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