chapter 7

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Madison stopped just outside a large dilapidated building. Madion watched the array of people coming and going from the building. People quietly entering and then leaving after a few minutes inside. There was even some people being brought in in handcuffs with two police people escorting them inside, screaming and shouting as they fought with the police men and women. With no such luck.

Madison took a large deep breath and closed her eyes. She held her phone In her hand she had just messaged Ella and Jack and told them that she was already here and waiting outside for them, but Madison didn't even think she had the patient's to wait even a second more. She wanted answers and she wanted them as soon as she could get them.

For Zara, for Zara, she kept repeating in her head. She clutched her phone tighter and felt tears brim in her eyes. She had never been as terrified as she was right now. She checked her phone and saw the time was 7:32am. She had been standing in front of this building for only two minutes. Madison groaned. It felt like forever to her.

She heard some voices calling out to her from in the distance. She turned her head to the left and saw Ella and Jack walking down the street towards her. Ella was wearing a nice simple black long sleeved top under a beige checker print dress with some black boots to match. Her hair was up in a high ponytail. Jack wore her staple white shirt and blue jeans with a black jacket over the top. His hair was a gorgeous mess. They smiled a small smile at her as they approached and when they finally reached her they both gave her a huge hug and kissed either side of her head.

"We're here for you, mad's. Forever and always," Ella whispered gently. Jack nodded and smiled placing a hand gently on her shoulder.

"As long as this doesn't take too long," he stuck his tongue out. Madison just shook her head and giggled a little. Ella just narrowed her eyes at him.

"What? it got her to giggle. Cut me some slack," Ella rolled her eyes and let him be.

"How come you two are here so early? I thought you said you would take ten minutes?" Madison asked.

Ella shrugged. "Yeah I said that but we got here earlier cos we know this means a lot to you, just as much as it means to us," Ella explained with a small smile.

Madison beamed and hugged them both. "I love you guys! You're the best friends ever,"

Ella patted her back. "Yeah, yeah. Whatever you say, mads,"

"Plus we came early cos we know how impatient you are," Jack shrugged, running a hand through his hair.

Ella hit him around the back of the head. Jack groaned. "Here I was trying to be sweet and kind about it and you go a ruin it by saying that! Jesus jack,"

"Yeah I know it doesn't happen often,"

Ella said nothing. It was so silent, it was deadly. Madison looked to Jack who she could see was in terror by the single trickle of nervous sweat that ran down the side of his face.

"Umm Jack I would run if I were you," Madison said. Before anything else was said Jack was off like a light running into the police station. He wasn't alone though, he was closely followed by an angry Ella, who by the looks of things as out to teach Jack a firm and horrible lesson in not to mess with her. Madison wasn't far behind. The three entered the police station one after the other.

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