Meeting and Landing

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Singing here's to never growing up"

Once we finished, Avril and demi started clapping. Jess and I broke into smiles and started laughing. 

"You guys are really good, why didn't you audition for X Factor?" Demi asked. Jess and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. We've heard this a thousand times, it's not even funny anymore.

"We never got round to entering the form in time" Jess replied with our normal excuse. Mainly it was because we didn't want people to hate on us if we got told no. If you were told no, you were a laughing stock, even if you were pretty good. The judges and audience are hard to impress and are really honest. An example is Daniel Beddingfield on X Factor New Zealand. I quote 'I had to stop you because you were crap'. So to impress people like them, it's difficult. I guess we were both just really scared of what would happen.

"Oh, well, forget the form, next time we talk to you, you guys will definitely be on the live shows, without a doubt and I'll make sure I'll mentor you. Avril here could come in weekly, if she wanted to" Demi replied with a wink. I immediately started to get excited. But then I thought 'she might say that to every person she has to hear sing in public'. I know that sounds harsh, but what if she does? 

"Are you serious? But out of curiosity, how are we going to talk again?" I asked. Demi passed me her phone.

"Put your number in there and, if you trust me with your phone, I'll give you mine" She said. I smiled as I passed my phone over to her and we typed in our numbers.

"So, what are you guys dong in China? I thought you would be writing a new album" Jess asked. Demi and Avril chuckled. 

"Nah, just a 1 week holiday, what about you guys?" Demi replied as she passed my phone back to me.

"Oh, just a 10 day holiday, taking a break from life" I smiled. Demi started looking at me weirdly.

"I've seen you two before, I just don't know where" she says. I raise an eyebrow, so does Jess. Oh yeah, that's right, we're girlfriends of 2 members of One Direction, nothing bad. Pssh, no. Avril snaps her fingers in idea. She knows.

"They go out with Louis and Zayn!! You know? One Direction Louis and Zayn" Avril yelled at Demi as she smiled, knowing that she was right.

"That's right, we've seen pictures of you two with your boyfriends, and you *points at Jess* Zayn couldn't stop talking about you when Niall and I skyped, out of curiosity, how did you two meet?" Demi asks as both of them lean in with tension. I was beginning to get scared.

"Um, when I was 5, my parents and I moved to Bradford and I had to go to school there. So I did the whole 'I don't wanna go!!' whiny thing that 5 year old kids normally do, and ended up being 40 minutes late. Once I got to class and the teacher introduced me to the class, she put me next to Zayn. I was scared as hell, because he looked dark and scary, but then the teacher put us together for a project and we were best friends ever since. Then when I was 16, and had moved back to New Zealand, Zayn finally got the courage to ask me out over skype, I said yes and we've been together ever since" Jess explained with a smile on her face, her eyes brightening with every word she said.

"Awww! CUTE! Now Sam, since no one knows how you and Louis got together, do you mind telling us?" Avril asked and Demi made puppy eyes to back her up. Jess and I chuckled.

"We won't tell anyone, we promise, right Demi?" Avril looked over at Demi who nodded while her eyes got bigger. I didn't think they could get any bigger when I finally gave in.

"OK!! So, I helped Jess get to London to see Zayn, as long-distance relationships are hard, and she returned the favor by giving me tickets and backstage passes to One Direction. But before then, we went over to where they were staying to say good luck for tomorrow, it was only Liam and Zayn home as Harry, Louis and Niall were out for a drink, so Jess introduced me to Liam, while Zayn was upstairs sleeping, so Jess went to wake him up while I stayed downstairs with Liam as he gave me a tour of the house..." I was cut of by Jess's coughing, telling me that I was taking forever. 

The Girl From Down The Road (One Direction Fanfic/Romance)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora