"Yep I accidentally ran into him," I say.

"Are you sure thats all?" He asks.

"Y-yes," I stutter. I then scold myself for stuttering.

"I saw what he and you did," he says.

"We d-did nothing," I say.

"You kissed didn't you," he says.

"What w-would make y-you say that?" I ask blushing.

"I saw it munchkin. I'm not mad so doesn't be afraid,"he says. I can tell in his eyes he doesn't like the fact I did that because I'm 13, he doesn't want me to grow up, or that he want to kill Blake. 

"Dad I can tell by your eyes you are mad," I say.

"Munchkin I'm alright I promise," he says and I just eat my breakfast. And in a couple minutes my mom and Keiynan come in.

"What's for breakfast?" Mom asks.

"Pancakes, eggs, and sausage," dad says.

"Yummy," mom says sitting next to dad and kisses his cheek. Dad whispers something in moms ear and mom smiles really wide.

"Really!" Mom squeals.

"You're happy about this,"dad says.

"You are never going to be ok with it she's your little girl you will always have to protect her," mom says.

"Why are you talking about me?" I ask.

"Yes. You got your first kiss!" Mom squeals.

"So," I say blushing.

"That's a big deal Claire. I remember my first kiss was because of a dare," mom says and smiles at the thought.

"Who was your first kiss?" I ask.

"Dad," mom says.

"Really?" I ask.

"Yep I was what 14," mom says.

"What about you dad?" I ask.

"I was 16," he says.

"Who was your first kiss?" I ask 

"Mom," he says.

"Zeke was so mad that night," mom says.

"Why was he mad for you kidding mom?" I ask.

"Best friends, 2 year age difference, first kiss, younger sister, over protective," mom says.

"Is that how my brothers will be?" I ask.

"Nope," Colin and Henry say.

"Where is Xander?" Jackson asks pulling in moms sleeve.

"I'm not sure buddy," mom says.

"Where is the fam?" I ask.

"I'm not sure, but let's finish breakfast," dad says. We all eat breakfast and head back home while Colin and Henry argue over something stupid.

"Boys that's enough," mom says when we are approaching our door. I open the door and head up to my room and grab my phone. I have a message from Blake so I reply to it.



B~what's up?

C~just got home from breakfast

B~how was it

C~besides the part my dad caught up kissing and was mad good

B~he saw us kiss?!

Dauntless life (sequel to Tris Pedrad)Where stories live. Discover now