☺Chapter 15☺ - This is Getting Crazy...

Start from the beginning

Light puts his head down and takes a deep breath to prevent himself from lashing out. I have to do it, don't I? "Misa," he whispers while holding her shoulders gently.

"Wha- " Before she could fully respond, Light has her captures in a sudden kiss. When he pulls away, he's satisfied to see her in a complete daze.

"Listen," he continues in a smooth voice. "You have to go home now."


"Also, when you're talking to Rem outside," he steps back to give the blushing girl some space. "be careful no one's around to listen. Just whisper. That's what I do with Ryuk."


He he guides her back down the stairs and onto the porch outside, then leaves her to walk home by herself.

"Bye bye." Misa murmurs while staring off into nothing. "Have a good night."

"Bye bye Misa-san!" Sayu says cheerily. "Come again real soon!"

Now back in his room, Ryuk begins to tease him about the kiss.

"Hahaha, that came outta nowhere."

"It's important that Misa stays infatuated with me. More importantly, I need to decide if L should die tomorrow. Since he hasn't gone public yet, if Ryuuga dies the other task force members will be suspicious of me." He goes silent as his mind wanders and shows him the faces of the others on the task force. Aihara, Matsui, Mochi... then the image of Ada lingers. Should I have them be killed while I'm at it? No... they're nowhere near L's skills and can't hope to continue an investigation without him, but it's her I have to worry about... "So I have to make sure I'm prepared."

"I see. I thought perhaps you were hesitating - because he said he thinks of you as a friend." Ryuk jokes.

Light sneers at the thought. "Haha, friend? I just gave him what he wanted. From the start I've said that if it's my friendship he wants, I'd give it to him as a way to win his trust. Ryuuga and Yagami Light appear to be friends, but L is Kira's enemy." He crosses his arms and leans back in his chair.

That's right. Ryuuga revealed that he is L. Therefore he must die. If I have him die in an accident, chances are that less people will suspect I'm Kira. And even if they do, there'd be no proof. I can only speculate what will happen after he dies. Tomorrow will be L's - or at least, Ryuuga or Ryuuzaki's - last day alive.

His thoughts take an unexpected turn and he sees Ada again, making him frown. But what about her? Is she that much of a threat? But killing both of them would raise the suspicion towards be tenfold... I should wait and see more of who she really is.

~The person whose name was misspelled four times on purpose will not be free of death by a DEATH NOTE.~

"Hair," A voice instantly shatters the dream I had, one that I already don't remember. I open my eyes to a yellow-orange hue room, seeing that the sun is shining directly through the windows and it's color reflecting off most of the objects. "Snack crumbs... Hair... Yagami-san."


"If I die within the next few days, your son is Kira." My heart nearly bursts out of my chest from the sudden rush of adrenaline that overcomes me. "Hm, another hair." I pretend to still be asleep.

"What did you just say, Ryuuzaki!?" Yagami bellows in anger.

"Yeah," Matsuda joins in. "Exactly. What are you talking about anyway!?"

'If I die within the next few days, your son is Kira.' What does he mean by that? I worry as my eyes flutter involuntarily. Damn.

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