Chapter 28: First date

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[Your POV]

So today is my first date with Sehun. I'm actually really nervous and excited. Right now I'm standing in front of my wardrobe and I just can't decide what to wear. It's Sehun, so he wouldn't really care about my appearience... I mean we know each other since we're little kids... But it's our first date, so I want to look good. ,,Don't know what to wear?" Sooyoung says. I turned around and see her standing leaning against my door. ,,No not really" I shook my head. I told Sooyoung yesterday that Sehun and I are having a date today. She wasn't really surprised... all she was saying is that she wants me to be happy... I'm really glad that she isn't mad... ,,Just wear the blue dress you bought with me last time" Sooyung said. ,,Good idea! I almost forget about the dress. Thanks Chingu" I said and took the blue dress on my bed. ,,So what are you doing with Woozi today?" I asked. ,,We're going to watch a movie together and then we're going to Seventeen's dorm. I'm going to sleep there, so we won't disturb you" she winks at me. ,,Thanks" I said.

Meanwhile at EXO's dorm/[Sehun's POV]

I took all my clothes on my bed and looked at them. I changed my outfits five times already... I don't know what to wear... ,,Yah! Are you still changing your outfits?" Suho put his arm around my shoulders and looked at my clothes. I nodded. ,,I don't know what to wear" I said. ,,I think she doesn't really care about your outfit. I mean you two know each for a long time now and you two are comfortable around each other" Baekhyun suddenly comes in. I just nodded. They are right... We're friends since we're little kids and she doesn't really care what I'll wear, so just keep it simple Oh Sehun.


[Still Sehun's POV]

Okay Sehun breath... I take a deep breath in. All you have to do is to knock on her door. I was standing around 5 minutes in front of her door now... Okay you can do this. Usually you can hang out with her, so why making a big deal now. Okay. I knocked on her door and after a few seconds she was opening the door. She was wearing a blue dress and put her hair in a high ponytail. She looks really beautiful. ,,Hi" I smiled. ,,Hi" she said and  lets me in. ,,So what movie do you want to watch?" I sat on her couch. ,,How about Miracles in cell no.7?" she asks. I nodded. She puts the DVD in the player and the movie starts. I couldn't really focus on the movie, because she was sitting so close beside me and that makes me nervous. After a while she puts her head on my shoulder. My body stiftened, because I didn't expect that. I rest my head on her head. I grab her hand and started to play with her hand. 


The movie was over and (y/n) was crying really hard. ,,This movie is so sad" she sniffed. I nodded and wipe her tears with my thumbs away. 

[Your POV]

,,This movie is so sad" I sniffed. He nodded and wipes my tears with his thumbs away. Suddenly the atmosphere between us was getting really strange. He starts to move closer. Right in front of my face he stops. I can feel his breath. I closed my eyes and we kissed...

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