Chapter 23: Rainy days

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[Your POV]

,,Mmhh...?" I said and turned around. ,,We have to talk" The8 said serious. I'm confused... why is he so serious right now?? The8 and I sat on the sofa. ,,So what's the matter?" I asked. ,,Vernon" he said and looked in my eyes. ,,What's with him?" I asked confused. ,,He saw you..." The8 lets out a sigh. ,,What?" I said. I don't know what he means. ,,That day when Sehun was kissing you and confessed his feelings" he said. I looked at him shocked. ,,What?" I said again. ,,He saw you kissing Sehun... That's why he isn't talking to you the past few days" he said. ,,Oh no" I said and put my hands on my face. ,,(y/n)-ah stop making this so complicated for both of you. If you really like him you should confess, because right now you two are just hurting each other..." The8 said and put his arm around my shoulders. I just nodded. The8 hugs me and comforts me.


The next morning/ [Still your POV]

I opened my eyes and looked around. I was in my bedroom... The8 must have carried me in my room. I stand up and went to the living room. Nobody was there... Sooyoung must be still asleep and The8 must have go home early in the morning. I sit on the sofa and started to think about the conversation between me and The8 yesterday... Maybe I should just confess... I mean I really like him and I want to be together with him... Aish~ love is so frustrating.

[Vernon's POV]

We were all in the living room except for Woozi and we were eating some breakfast. Suddenly we all heard somebody was opening the door. It was The8. Where was he? When he enters the living room everybody was looking at him. ,,What?" He said. ,,Where were you last night?" S.Coups asks. ,,I was out with the girls and it was too late to come home, so I just slept at their place" he said. ,,aaahhhh" we all said together and nooded. ,,Where is Woozi?" The8 asked. ,,In his room of course" Dino said sad. ,,Yah! Don't worry he's going to be okay" Wonwoo said. We all just nodded.


In the evening/ [The8's POV]

The whole day we were doing nothing. We were just sitting in the living room and watched some movies. Suddenly Woozi enters the living room. ,,I'm going to take a walk" he said and grabs his jacket and leaves. We all stared at the door with an confused expression. ,,Did Woozi Hyung really just left his room?" Dino asked and points at the door. We all nodded. ,,Woah~ Deabak" Dino said.

[Woozi's POV]

I have a lot of things in my mind right now. I want to take a walk, because that's the best way to think about it. I walked around the Han river. I always come here when I'm having a bad time and it always makes me feel better to come here, because here I can clear my mind. Suddenly I can feel drops. I looked up and a few drops were hitting on my face. It started to rain heavily, but I continued walking for a few minutes and I had my head down... Suddenly I see somebody's feets and looked up...

[Sooyoung's POV]

,,Yah (Y/n)! Do we still have milk in our fridge?" I asked. ,,No. I drank it all yesterday" (y/n) said. ,,Okay. I 'm going to buy new one" I said and went outside. I walked along the Han river. My favourite place. Here I can think about a lot of things and clear my mind. Suddenly it started to rain heavily, but I didn't care. I just walked along the river for a while and stopped when I saw somebody in front of me. The person I miss like crazy...

[Woozi's POV]

We looked at each other for a long time. ,,Sooyoung-ah" I said. She doesn't answer. I reached out my hand for her, but she takes a step back. ,,Please" I said. ,,I-I-I have to go now" she said and turned around. ,,Sooyoung-ah" I said and grabbed her hand. I turned her around and kissed her.

[Sooyoung's POV]

I turned around and was about to leave, but suddenly he grabs my hand. He turns me around and he kisses me. My eyes widen in shock. I started to hit him and tried to escape, but he was too strong. I gave up to escape and started to kiss him back. I really missed him. He breaks the kiss and put his forehead on mine.

[Woozi's POV]

She hits me and tried to escape, but I tighten my grip. Suddenly she stops hitting me and kisses me back...I broke the kiss and put my forehead on her forehead. I looked at her and her eyes were still closed. ,,I love you Sooyoung-ah. Please forgive me" I whisper. She doesn't say anything for a long time but then suddely ,,I love you too" she whispered. ,,What?!" I asked shocked. ,,I love you, you idiot" she said. ,,Does that mean you've forgive me?" I said. She just nodded. I put my arms around her waist and spin her around. ,,Yah!" She yelled. I put her down and hugged her. ,,Thank you Sooyoung-ah" I said.


[Your POV]

Since Sooyoung left the house to buy some milk I was really bored, so I decided to visit the boys. I arrived at Seventeen's dorm and we were all sitting in the living room. Suddenly it started to rain heavily. ,,Oh no!! It's raining and Sooyoung is still outside." I said worried. ,,Woozi hyung also went out" Dino said. ,,What shall we do? They will catch cold" I said and looked outside the window. Suddenly somebody opens the door. We all turned around and see Woozi and Sooyoung holding hands. They were really wet...

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