Chapter 5: Hey! Let's start again...

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Fast forward to Friday/ [Vernon's POV]

This week was really boring and went by really fast. Luckily, today is Friday. The whole week I was pretty distracted. Why? Because I wanted to know if I really like her... And my conclusion is........ I don't know. I think about her sometimes and I think she's pretty, but I don't know if it's really love. ,,Yah! Come back to your senses" The8 snapped his fingers. ,,I asked you something" The8 said. ,,Mian hyung I didn't listen to you. What did you say?" I asked. ,,I asked if it's okay if Sooyoung and (y/n) come over tonight?" The8 asked. ,,Why do you ask me?" I asked . ,,Because the others don't care if they come over" he rolled his eyes. ,,Okay" I said coldly. ,,Let's go home" he said happily.

At Seventeen's dorm

[Nobody's POV]

,,We have to clean up before Sooyoung comes over!!" Woozi runs around nervously. ,,Wae? They're not someone special" Joshua said while watching TV. ,,Yes they are!" Woozi put his hands on hips. ,,Hyung you only care about Sooyoung anyways" Dino said. ,,And I care about (y/n)" The8 raises his hand. ,,So let's clean up. I don't want that my best friend dies, because of the smell of our dorm"The8 stands up. One by one they got up and started cleaning their dorm.

After 2 hours

,,I'm tired" Joshua falls on the sofa and closed his eyes. ,,Me too" S.Coups falls on Joshua. ,,Hyung get off me" Joshua complains. ,,What you want us to get on?" Hoshi said sarcastically. ,,NOOOOO!" Joshua yells. We all start to line up... After 8 members we stopped, because we thought maybe Joshua would die if we ALL get on him :D 

[Your POV]

,,I'm so excited" Sooyoung jumps excitingly. We were walking to Seventeen's dorm. ,,Yah! Stop it. People will think that you're crazy" I said. ,,I don't care" she said happily. Sigh~ she must really like Woozi. I wonder why Woozi doesn't ask her out yet... 

Meanwhile at Seventeen's dorm/ [The8's POV]

We all sit on the floor in the living room. ,,Why didn't you ask her out yet?" S.Coups asked Woozi. Everybody nodded just Woozi was looking down. ,,I'm afraid that she'll say no" he rubs the back of his neck. ,,Come on! It's so obvious that you two like each other" S.Coups said. Everybody nodded except Woozi. ,,Yeah Hyung! Even I can see that" Dino pointed at himself. ,,Yeah! Just ask her. I know her for a long time now and I can guarantee you that she likes you" I said. ,,But if you break her heart I'm going to kill you. She's like my little sister arasseo?" I said while showing him my fist. He just nodded. Everybody starts to laugh.

Ding Dong~ the bell rings. ,,I'm going" Dino stands up.

[Your POV]

Dino opens the door. ,,Noona annyeong" he smiled. Sooyoung and I go in. ,,The others are in the living room" Dino leads us to the living room. ,,Annyeong!" The8 hugs me. ,,Hi" I said while we're hugging. ,,Yah! We also want a hug"Jun said. ,,Okay okay come her" I opened my arms. He didnt't hesitate to hug me. ,,I want too" Hoshi did some aegyo. In the end I hugged everyone except Vernon. The whole time I was hugging the boys he was starring at me. That was scary... ,,So what shall we do?" Dino asked excited. ,,Maybe that's childish, but how about Hide&Seek, but outside?"Jun said. ,,Yeah why not" S.Coups said. We all nodded.

Outside/[Still your POV]

The8 was the one who has to find us. Poor The8... He has to find 14 people...That's going to be a very hard and long game. ,,So I'll count to 100"The8 shouted. ,,1,2,3,4,5,...." we all start to run. We're in a park in front of Seveteen's dorm. I decided to run a bit further and then to hide behind bushes. I think I have 30 seconds left. Finally I found a bush where I can hide and also see The8. He starts to look around and then he runs to the opposite direction of my hiding place. I think I can relax a little. I layed down on the grass and looked up to the sky. It's already dark, but the street lamps are on. It was so peaceful... Suddenly I can hear steps. I sit up and tried to hide the best as possible. I don't know who it is. ,,Yah! I can see you" somebody says from above. I looked up. ,,Vernon?! What are you doing here?!" I said. ,,I'm hiding" he smiles and sits beside me. Okay he's weird again... ,,I think I heard somebody here" I can hear The8 coming nearer and nearer. Suddenly Vernon takes my hand and drags me behing a tree. He pushed my back against the tree and presses his body against mine. My heart was beating fast. ,,Yah! What are you doing?! I hushed and try to push him away. ,,Pst! He will hear us" he said and cover my mouth with his hand. I don't want get caught, so I decided to stay still. After a few minutes he steps back. ,,He's gone" he said. ,,Okay" I looked down. He sits down and tap to his right to signal me to sit beside him. I just sat down in front of him. It was really awkward...I couldn't stand it any longer, so I decided to broke the ice. ,,Why do you hate me so much?" I asked without thinking twice. I was mentally face palming myself. Why did you ask something like this?! ,,I actually don't know" he sudddenly says. I'm really surprised. I didn't even expect that he would answer this question. ,,I think I'm just saying to myself that I hate you without even knowing why" he said. ,,Really? So actually you don't really hate me..." I answered. ,,Yes I think so. But why do you hate me?" he asked. I looked down. ,,Ehhm...I don't know maybe because you always say that you don't like, so I just decided not to like you too" I said shyly. ,,Ahhhh okay..." he nodded. ,,Yeah" I said. It's getting awkward again. ,,Let's start over again" he suddenly says. ,,Hi my name is Chwe Hansol Vernon" he held out his hand for me to shake it. ,,Hi my name is (y/n). Nice to meet you Vernon" I smiled and shake his hand. 

[Vernon's POV]

Suddenly I can feel drops. It starts to rain. ,,Yah! Everybody let's stop this game and go home. It's raining!" S.Coups shouts. We stand up and started to walk. Suddenly she puts her hand around my shoulder. She's smaller than me, so I have to bend down a little. ,,Kaja! Chingu!" she said happily.

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