Chapter 7

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*Beautys POV*

I knew Dallas didn't have business to attend do but the real question is where has he been. I poured me a glass of wine and sat near the door and waited for him to walk in.

"Beauty what are you doing up" he seemed surprised to see me. Hmm guess he wasn't expecting me to be awake and catch him.

"Bryan called for you" I took a sip of my wine then sat it on the table.

"Well that's strange cause I was with him" He rubbed his waves that's how I know he's lying.

"No you weren't now where were you"

"With Bryan"

I pulled out my gun."Lie to me again"

"Woah B put that gun away"

"Where were you and Dallas Aiden Hall please do not tell me you were fucking around on me" I aimed the gun at his head.

"Put the gun down"

"Tell me motherfucker or your ass is grass"


"Yeah what smooth"

"I was fucking around on you"

I lowered the gun and walked into our bedroom. I packed a bag and then pack Diva a bag and Ayden. I woke up Braelynn to see if she wanted to come with me.

"You're not going anywhere Beauty it's dark and your eyes are watery"

"Move Smooth I'm getting in my motherfuckin car and I'm leaving your ass here." I yelled through gritted teeth. He moved to the side and let me grab my kids to go. I slammed the door on my way out. Braelynn didn't say a word and Diva and Ayden slept. I liked this silence. I just drove and drove I really don't have anywhere to go. I guess we'll be staying in a hotel or something.
*Dallas POV*

I'm a fucking idiot. I fucking love that woman. Ughh Dallas keep your dick in your pants unless you're with Beauty. I walked in the kitchen and noticed a empty wine bottle on the counter. I know this was full that means beauty drank a whole bottle and now she's drunk and crying and driving my kids. I noticed my weed was also sitting on the counter. Did she smoke a blunt too. Great plus she's high. Maybe she pulled over and Braelynn is driving. I took a shower and laid down but couldn't sleep. But eventually I managed to doze off.
*2:00 in the morning*
Every phone in my house started going off house phones and cell phone. I grabbed my cell and checked the house.

*Phone Call*
Me: what's up Sky

Sky: beauty kids car crash hospital

Me: woah slow down Sky

Bryan: she said beauty and the kids got in a car accident now they're in the hospital

Me: fuck I'm on my way
*End of call*

I hopped out of bed and went to the hospital in my pajamas. Nigga had on a white tee and pajama bottoms with basketballs on them. Plus slippers.

"Where are my kids" I ran in screaming and got attacked by Sky.

"It's all your fault asshole" she screamed while throwing punches at me. I ain't gonna lie them bitches hurt.

"Sky chill okay" Bryan yanked her back.

"Sky I know it's my fault I'm a jackass and a dumbass but attacking me and making me feel worse than I already do isn't going to help now what's the word."

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