Chapter 42

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*1 week lata*
*Ayd's B-day*
*Dallas's POV*

Ugh fuck today is war. The fight to keep 20 little demons occupied. And it's up to the village to keep things running smooth. Luckily smooth is my name. I got out of bed and texted the village letting them know the party is at 3:00 set up begins now. Let's see its 10:00 now and if you account color people time we should be good. I believe in us.

Beauty is still asleep; which is okay until the village gets here. I'm gonna let her sleep. I tiptoed out of our room and downstairs. Hopefully when the village get here they'll act like they have sense. I heard the stairs creak and I turned around.

"Daddy" Diva whispered

"Hey good morning princess" I walked over and picked her up

"Is the village on their way" she yawned

"Hopefully" I responded

"Well, tell them to keep it down you wouldn't want them to wake up the baby and the birthday boy" she laughed

"I want Niya to sleep even longer" I laughed

"I looked into Ayden's room and he's peaceful" she yawned

"Baby, are you still sleepy"

"No, I wanna help you" she rested her head on my shoulder and drifted off. I laid her on the couch and laughed to myself. I started breakfast. I decided since its Ayden birthday we'll eat his favorite foods. Blueberry pancakes and bacon. When I started cooking I heard more footsteps on the stairs.

"Goodmorning Beauty" I smiled

"I feel like a train hit me" she coughed

"Oh no are you sick" I turned the stove off

"No it's just a sore throat and a migraine" she coughed

"Here sit down I'll make you some tea." I sat her down and walked over to get some tea. I heard the front door open.

"Village" I questioned

"It's Brae and Jacob" Brae called

"And Nico and Brooky" Nico called

"Hey baby sis" he kissed her forehead

"Babes, why you look sick" Brooklyn put her hand to Beautys forehead.

"Sore throat and migraine" beauty took the tea cup from me.

"Mommy" lil Nico walked in

"Yes baby" she picked him up

"I tired still" he laid his head on her shoulder

"Well wake up" she bounced him

"Auntie B tired too" he pointed at her

"Nah auntie B is sick" Nico walked over

"I'm not sick" she coughed

"Eat something and then take something and then lay down" I ordered

"But Dal" she coughed

"Go lay down I'll bring you your food" I ordered again. This time she moved.

"Okay so B is out for the count; she's not gonna be much help" I went back to cooking while discussing party plans

"Okay so party starts at 3 it's 10:30. Food is not even started yet" Brae pointed out

"I'll cook" Brooklyn offered

"Decorations are my middle name" Brae laughed

"Yard set up"Nico grinned

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