Chapter 26

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*Beauty's POV*

I woke up and looked around the room and Dallas was in the chair next to my bed holding Niya and talking to her. I pretended to be asleep and listened in on their conversation.

"Niya look Daddy does stupid stuff a lot and mommy may get mad at me for the stupid stuff I do but I'll stop my stupidness for you guys" he kissed her forehead.

"Hey" my momma walked in with Ayden and Diva.

"Ma up" Ayden tapped me.

"No Ayden down" I mocked him.

"We take swista home" he pointed to Niya.

"Yeah we take her home" I smiled. The doctor walked in and I signed the discharge papers and we were on our way.

"Dallas I can't wait to get home" I sat back in the seat.

"I have a surprise for you" he smiled. We pulled up to the house and there was a welcome home banner.

"Aw thanks" I smiled.

"But wait there's more" he helped me out of the car and in the house. My whole family was here waiting to see Niya.

"Hey squad" I waved.

"But wait there's more but this surprise is more for Diva" he picked her up and carried her upstairs. We walked into her room and it's so beautiful.

"I'm a princess mommy" She twirled around.

"Yes you are" I laughed.

"Now on to Ayden's room" Dallas escorted us out and Ayden ran as fast as his little legs could take him.

"Basketball" Ayden jumped up and down.

"Now Ayden do you vow to sleep in your big boy bed" Dallas got down to his level.

"I vow" Ayden giggled. He's so silly.

"Now for Niya" he grabbed her out of my arms.

"Here ya go my little princess" he opened the door to the nursery.

"Dang" I looked around in awe.

"What can I say, daddy got skills" he kissed me.

"Okay there's a bunch of people downstairs who want to meet this munchkin so let move on down" I headed downstairs.

"Beauty, I see them baby tittes is back" Natalie smiled.

"She don't need no more tittes" Kate laughed.

"They busting out this shirt now" My mom pulled my top up.

"Lord child do something with this hair over here looking like simba" smoke patted my head. There was a knock on the door and I opened it while flipping Smoke off.
There was a fine looking brother standing there.

"Umm hello is this the home of Naomi Davis" his accent is to die for.

"Yes who's asking" I raised an eyebrow.

"Umm my name is Tobias J Delfin-Davis" he showed me his birth certificate. Hold up did this boy say his last name was Davis. My mother came to the door followed by my dad.

"Toby" my dad stared at the young man or boy how ever old he was. I looked at his birth certificate he should be about 20 years old. If he is my father's child that means he's the baby of the bunch.

"How do you know this young man" my mother questioned my father.

"He's my brother's son." My dad stared at him.

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