Chapter 30

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*Beautys POV*

When I got home Dallas's car was in the yard. Therefor he's home. I walked in the house and he was sitting on the couch.

"Hey baby" he stood up and walked over to me. He rested his hand on my shoulder.

"Hello Dallas"

"Beauty, that baby isn't mine but me and Milaei do have a son" he stared in my eyes for a reaction.

"Dallas, why are you just now telling me"

"I found out not that long ago, she hid my son from me"

"How old is he"

"Not much older than Niya"

"You have a son outside of our marriage" I looked at him.

"Baby" he started to talk but I cut him off.

"I want to meet him" I walked off.

"when" he yelled.

"invite them over for dinner" I yelled back. I walked into Ayden's room.

"Ma when I turn 2, and I have my paw patrol party all my friends come." I sat down on the floor next to him.

"yeah bud" I smiled

"Do I get a paw patrol cake." He climed into my lap.

"of course bud" I ruffled his hair.

"Hey babe when's dinner" Dallas hollered. I checked the time before responding.

"It should be ready by 4" I hollered back. If he don't walk his ole southern ass in this room.

I picked up ayden and walked in the living room. Dallas was sitting on the couch talking to Milaei on the phone. I sat in down at the island in the kitchen. He finally hung up the phone.

"Hey babe" Dallas walked in the kitchen and kissed my cheek.

"Cut the bull are they coming" I straight faced him.

"Yes they are" he snicked his teeth.

"This is for your son so don't snick your teeth" I pushed his head

"How do I even know he's mine" he sat down next to me

"We take a test"

"Ughh this is stressful" I ran my fingers through my hair.

"Baby I'm so sorry" Dallas kissed my forehead.

"I have forgiven you Dallas" I faked a smile. I put Ayden down and he ran to Dallas. Toby walked into the kitchen

"Beauty girl what's for dinner" he grabbed an apple.

"Dallas what do you want to eat"

"Hmm Ayden what do you want" Dallas kissed his cheek.

"Lagana" he giggled

"Lasagna it is" I kissed his forehead.

"We got garlic bread" Toby loudly bit his Apple

"Umm no we don't"

"I'll buy some" Dallas stood up and grabbed his coat.

"Daddy I come" Ayden went to get his coat.

"Me too" diva came out of no where

"Well dang" I laughed

"Come on guys" Dallas laughed.

"I'll text you if I think of anything else" I hollered.

"Get wine" Toby hollered

"You can't drink" I laughed

"Good point....... Get welches sparkling cider" he hollered.

"Hurry back" I hollered

"Okay and okay" Dallas hollered

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