Chapter 3

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*Beauty's POV*

When I woke up Ayden wasn't on me and I looked over and Dallas had him. Ugh I can't stand to be in the same bed with this man right now. I got up but Dallas woke up.

"Babe I'm sorry" he laid Ayden down and tried to hug me.

"Who's babe I'm single" I rolled my eyes and walked out of the bedroom.

"Naomi come on yesterday I was upset"

"I don't want to hear it smooth I needed help and you were smoking a blunt then you got all mad for no reason and left all night"

"Because you went and got those boys and they were stressing me out when I was already stressed out" He rubbed his hands over his waves.

"Stressed about what Smooth and I needed to get my nephews so my sister could work on her relationship"

"Stressed about everything you,the kids, things at the trap, death threats,"

When he said death threats I froze. I haven't been receiving those texts in awhile but I did find a letter in the mail. I thought these threats were done for.


"Oh now I'm Dallas why do you seem so scared all of a sudden" He got closer to me.

"Well I ran into my ex awhile back and he threatened me because of what Braelynn said" I bit my lip out of anticipation of what Dallas would do. His jaw clenched.

"Why didn't you tell me"

"The threats stopped" my phone buzzed and I checked it.

Private: Guess who

Dallas snatched my phone. He looked at the phone then back at me. I shouldn't have hidden those death threats. Just then the number sent a picture of Ayden sleeping in our room. I ran upstairs as fast as my legs could take me but Dallas ran past me.

"Where the fuck are you show yourself coward" Dallas screamed out and then my phone buzzed again and it was a picture of Diva this time at school.

"That's recent she's at school now Braelynn took her." I started panicking and Dallas heard it in my voice.

"Calm down don't you have a gun" He rubbed my shoulder and I went and got my gun. He grabbed his and we went to Divas school. I'm not sure how we expect to get into a elementary school with .45 in our waistbands.

"Nevaeh Hope Davis" Dallas gave the secretary Divas name so we could take her out of school. Diva ran out of her classroom and Dallas picked her up and we headed for Braelynn's school.

"Braelynn go get your stuff and your car and follow us" Dallas walked her down the hallway to her locker.

"Where are we going pops"

"Away now let's go hurry up"

My phone buzzed again and I hesitated to check it. Oh dear god this man has lost his mind. It was a picture of our house and it read Nice house I'll watch it while you're out.

"Dallas" I screamed and showed him the picture he got angry and punched a locker. We left and headed for the trap.

"Smoke,Ty,Dewayne" Dallas hollered and the boys came running out. "There's something wrong going on here one of beauty's ex's keep sending threats" Dallas hollered.

My phone buzzed again and I really didn't want to check it.

Private: Don't worry about me for now so put your crew on hold okay

"Man fuck his crazy mind games we getting out of the state and we're getting your number changed" Dallas rubbed his hands over his waves.

"How long are we leaving for Divas in school and Braelynn is about to go off to college "

"Fine then we'll home school Diva until we find this bastard and Braelynns going to have to put off college now we're going to my brand new safe house in Palm Beach, or Orlando which one."

"Palm Beach"

"We'll pack tonight and leave on a private jet"

"We have a private jet" I scrunched my eyebrows together.

"Don't worry about all that just pack and keep moving" He ushered me out the door and handled some business with the boys then came out.

"What about my family"

"Beauty we can't bring the whole crew it's not a vacation it's us running for our lives"

"After all this is over I want to go to Hawaii."

"We will and can you handle missing Natalie's baby coming"

"I'll have to" I shrugged and fought back tears.

We packed our bags and headed for the airport. I carried Ayden and Dallas had Diva. Braelynn dragged along behind us. We boarded the plan and left. I looked out the window and waved bye to Los Angeles. I can't believe I couldn't even tell family where I was going. We just had to up and leave for God knows how long. Natalie will have her baby and I'll miss it all. This kills me that I have to go M.I.A and my family the people that mean the most to me. The plane landed and we headed for the safe house.

We pulled up to the gorgeous home. Dallas paid the cab driver and we got all our bags. This house looks better than our house now. I might just move. Diva woke up and got so excited she woke Ayden up. He just looked around and smiled when he saw me. I kissed his cheek and kept walking past Braelynn who was holding him.

"Now this house is normally my good ole fashion vacation home but for the time being we will live here" Dallas took my bags from me and we went upstairs to the master bedroom.

"Dallas this is scary" I walked out of the shower and I had my towel wrapped around me. Dallas walked over and hugged me.

"Baby I love you and I swear to protect you" He kissed me and let go. Wait all I have on is a towel that's barely wrapped around my breasts and he just hugs me and let go. Well I guess there's no time for sex when you're scared for your life.

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