The reason

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Chapter 54: The reason

It was raining this Sunday in Jump City. Dick stared out the window and watched as the small droplets raced with each other down the window. Dick sighed and moved his spoon lazily in circles, causing the coffee to move along as well. He would rather not be drinking this but he needed something strong. Dick was waiting patiently inside a small coffee house for Raven to arrive. The two had planned to meet for a small get together.

This had been going on the whole week since Vic kicked Dick out of the table. Dick had been shunned by his friends. Roy and the others tried to help fill the void but it was hard since their girlfriends were pretty mad at Dick to. Dick wasn't completely alone though, he had Raven whom he would talk to over the phone or meet in secret. The schedule was tight but the two had managed to pull it off with out Vic or the others finding out.

The little bell above the door rang when the door opened. In stepped a teenage girl who was currently closing her umbrella. Dick looked up and raised his hand, calling the girl over as quietly as possible, not wanting to draw attention or upset the people here who liked the quiet atmosphere.

"Raven, over here."

Raven's eyes wandered over to the back booth where Dick sat. She made her way over to him. She sat across from him and slipped into the green leather booth. A waitress came over and asked if she would like anything. Raven ordered a cup of tea and the waitress gave a short nod of her head before walking off.

"Sorry I'm late," Raven said absently as she removed her coat. "I couldn't get off the phone with Gar."

"What did he want?" Dick asked with interest, picking up his cup of coffee only to set it back down again.

"He wanted to know if he could come over," Raven said. "Kori is being released from the hospital today. The others wanted to come over and greet her but Kori doesn't want company."

Dick couldn't help but feel a bit guilty. "How is Kori?"

Raven sighed. "She's fine. She has been since the last five times you've asked me."

Dick and Raven had spoken with each other five time like this and every single meeting involved Dick asking about Kori's condition. Raven rolled her eyes at the thought. Dick was so full of himself. He claimed he wanted to sever all ties he had with Kori yet he continued to have an interest in the red-head. Raven was pulled from her thoughts when the waitress returned with her tea. After Raven said a quick thank you the waitress walked off.

"You can't keep doing this." Raven said before she blew the smoke away from her tea.

"Doing what?" Dick asked, staring at the purple haired girl.

"This, pretending you don't want Kori in your life when you do," Raven said. "Your like a cat addicted to yarn."

Dick leaned back in his seat and sighed. "I don't wanna talk about this."

"To damn bad because we're gonna talk about it," Raven said, crossing her arms. "You say you want to protect Kori yet by doing this you're only hurting her."

"... She'll get over it."

"No she won't," Raven said, glaring at him. "Kori loves you, and she's stubborn. Do you really think she's gonna give up with out a fight?"

Dick stayed silent, listening to every word. Raven had a very good point. Kori was never one to give up, especially when the odds were against her. She would go that extra length for the people she cared about. Dick decided to change the topic and figured he could deal with that problem later.

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