One sweet day

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Chapter 49: One sweet day

With Kori gone it was basically the end of spring break in Dick's opinion. There was no way he could even think about enjoying himself now. He felt completely miserable when he realized she was gone, but this only made him even more of a nonbeliever of the four letter word; love. Things got even worse when he went downstairs and told his friends that Kori was gone and why. Having four very angry people glare at you at the same time was not fun.

When Dick grabbed his car keys the others asked him where he was going. He told them he was going to go find Kori. It was at that moment when they felt extreme pity for their friend. Raven and Vic took control of the situation and stopped him. It was to late into the night for him to go out. Vic held him back while Raven used her sense of mind to calm him down, telling him that first thing tomorrow morning they would drive back to Jump City.

When the morning time finally came, Dick was the first one up, waiting impatiently for the others. Once everyone was packed and ready to go, there was one more thing that needed tending to. Vic, Raven, Gar and Karen were very protective of Kori, but out of the four of them, Vic and Raven had the most sense of responsibility over her. Vic had already deemed himself the older brother and Raven lived with Kori, they were like sisters.

Karen and Gar had said shared their thoughts and concerns with Dick first and then came in Vic and Raven. Vic basically stuck to threats while Raven had a more sense of reality. She knew Kori was an extremely sensitive person, a lot of people knew that about Kori. Kori was the type of person to wear her heart on her sleeve. Raven's main concern was Kori's emotional state and whether or not if Dick should see her yet. They eventually came to the conclusion to let Kori have a little space, at least for now, despite Dick's protest. Not that any one really cared what he wanted right now.

With a plan set they all headed back to Jump City. They were all relieved when they encounter little to none traffic and they got back to Jump City sooner then they expected. Dick had drove alone for their trip home and as soon as they all reached Jump City he took off towards Wayne Manor. vic had decided to drive the others home and chose to drop Raven off first in hopes of getting a chance to see Kori. Unfortunately for him, and the others who also wanted to see Kori, Raven didn't approve of the idea. She didn't think that Kori would want to be around so many people yet.

The others reluctantly agreed and said there goodbyes to Raven. Raven took her luggage and left, waving goodbye to her friends with her free hand. Once inside she placed her bags near the door. Her main concern was seeing if Kori was ok and her luggage could wait. Raven walked up the stairs and went straight to Kori's door. She knocked and didn't hear a response.

Raven knocked on the door once more. "Kori, it's me; Raven. Can I come in?"

"... The door is open."

Raven was thankful that Kori had given her the ok to come inside and pushed the door open. When she saw Kori a sense of pity hit her. Kori was out on her balcony, looking at the sky with a face that just read depressed. Raven walked up to her and put a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Kori -"

With out warning, Kori thrust herself into Raven's arms, her eyes producing tears. Raven awkwardly patted her back, she wasn't exactly good with this type of thing. Raven sighed, things were a lot worst then she originally thought.

The sun rose from the horizon and crept into Kori's room, casting a light that hit her eyes. Kori blinked her eyes open, her vision was a bit fuzzy due to just waking up. She rolled over on her back and yawned. She rubbed her shoulder, feeling a little stiff and her fingers brushed over her neck to feel nothing there.

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