The start of spring break

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Chapter 45: The start of spring break

The month of March had long since ended and it was now the very beginning of Spring Break. One whole week of fun with no worries about school. It was a dream come true and the teenagers of Jump City High School were planning to live it up with special plans of their own. Dick especially had plans of his own. Dick had planned a special get-away with his friends to one of Bruce's private beach houses.

One whole week of just him, Kori, Vic, Raven, Gar, Karen and... Kitten... on the beach with no adults. 'Ultimate teen experience' is what Gar had said to describe it.

The six friends, plus Kitten, were currently setting up for their trip to the beach house. Outside of Wayne Manor, the boys were loading the luggage into Dick and Vic's cars. Kitten was off to the side talking on her cell phone. Kori stood in the middle of Karen and Raven as they made small talk. Kori was just telling them of the phone call she received yesterday by her parents. Her mother, who was now seven mouths into pregnancy, was doing just fine and the baby she was carrying was very healthy.

"So, Kori," Karen spoke quietly. "How goes things between you and Dick?"

Kori stole a glance at Dick who was currently arguing with Vic and Gar.

"Everything is fine between us."

"Right, but technically you and Dick are not a 'us'." Raven said dryly.

"I know but I think Dick feels something for me, you know," Kori sighed. "Too bad he's blinded by Kitten to even notice."

"Yo, girls," Vic called. "We're finished over here so let's go and try to beat that traffic."

The girls walked over to the guys as did Kitten who had finally gotten off her cell phone.

"I can't wait," Gar said with excitement. "We have a whole beach house to ourselves. How cool is that!"

"Just try not to stink up the place grass stain." Vic said.

"I do not stink." Gar shot back.

"Will you guys shut up," Dick said annoyed. "The beach house is big enough for us each to have our own room."

"That's a relief." Raven said. She didn't like sharing a room with any one.

"Ok guys," Dick began as he opened the door to his car. "Let's go."

Karen noticed that Kitten was heading towards Dick and his car while kori was opening the door to Vic's car. Karen shook her head, this wouldn't do at all. As a friend of Kori's and... secret enemy of Kitten's, Karen decided to do some meddling. She quickly walked up to Kitten and linked arms with her.

"Why don't you ride with us, Kitten," said Karen happily. "We never get to hang out."

Kitten wanted to scream and shout right then and there but she held her tongue, she didn't want to ruin the nice girl act she worked so hard to build. "No thanks, I'd rather ride with Dick."

"Oh, come on. Raven and I would really would like to get to know you better," Karen looked over at Raven. "Right, Raven?"

Raven put on a fake smile, instantly aware of Karen's plan. "Totally."

"But... But who would ride with Dick," Kitten asked, trying to find a way out of this. "I can't just leave him alone."

"Not a problem," Karen said. "Kori can ride with Dick."

Kori looked up upon hearing her name, as did Dick.

"But I'm sure Kori would rather ride with you guys."

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